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Linden Tea & Tincture Recipes

Learn how to brew a comforting cup of this "hug in a mug" or make a tincture that can be added to water or your choice of herbal tea.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Author Heather Dessinger


Tea Recipe

Tincture Recipe


Tea Instructions

  • Pour boiling water over the linden, cover the cup with a plate, and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Strain out the linden and sweeten your herbal tea with honey, maple syrup, or any other sweetener if desired. Most sources suggest between 1-3 cups per day.

Tincture Intructions

  • Pour the alcohol over the herbs, then cover the jar with a lid and shake it well. If desired, write the start date on the jar using a sticky note, label, or piece of tape – it makes keeping track of how long it’s been steeping easier.
  • Place the jar in a dark, room temperature area. (I keep mine in a kitchen cabinet.) Let the mixture steep for 3-5 more weeks. Shake occasionally.
  • When the tincture is ready, use a mesh colander or cheesecloth to filter out the herbs. Pour the tincture in a clean jar or dropper bottle and store it in a cool, dark area.
  • To use, Medical Herbalism suggests 2.5 to 5 ml (approximately 1/2-1 teaspoon) 3 times daily.


Nutrition data is not available. 
"A cup of linden tea is soothing in the moment, but for chronic or long-standing issues, plan to make linden a supportive part of your daily life.” (1) Most sources suggest between 1-3 cups per day. (5) (20)