Thoroughly clean your mason jar, lid, and cutting before getting started.
Boil the water for five minutes, then measure out 3.5 cups of water and stir in the salt until it dissolves. Allow the brine to cool to room temperature.
Place the peeled garlic cloves in the mason jar.
Slice the radishes thinly and pack them into the fermenting jar, leaving about 1.5 inches of headspace between the top of the radishes and the lid.
Pour the room temperature salt brine over the radishes until they are completely covered, leaving at least one inch of headspace between the top of the brine and the lid.
Place a weight inside the mouth of the jar to keep your radishes under the brine. Place the lid on the jar and set up the airlock if you’re using one.
Allow the jar to ferment at room temperature for 3-5 days, depending on how tangy you want them to be. Keep it out of direct sunlight – I keep mine in a shady area of my kitchen or one of my kitchen cabinets. Taste your fermented radishes starting on day 3, and when it reaches a flavor that you like transfer it to the fridge. If you're using a lid with an airlock, replace it with a regular mason jar lid before storing it.