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If you have a question about a specific article, please leave your comment beneath the post. Due to time restrictions, I can’t respond to individual emails or contact form questions about recipe ingredients and DIY formulations.
If you’re looking for information about a specific topic, there’s a good chance I’ve covered it in a previous article. You can use the search box at the top of this page to check. If I haven’t already written about it, please send it to me as a topic suggestion. Thank you!
Please note that I cannot respond to requests for advice concerning medical conditions or recommended dosages for supplements.
Guest Contributor Policy
Although I do occasionally co-author articles with holistic physicians, molecular geneticists, clinical herbalists and other experts, I do not accept guest articles.
Link Requests
I don’t accept paid link placements or participate in link exchanges.
Advertiser Policy
If you have a product that you think my community would love, please let me know! However, please keep in mind that integrity is everything to me and I only consider about 5% of the products that are submitted.
2078 US HWY 98 W
Unit 105 #185
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
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I don’t accept paid link placements or guest posts. If you have a question about a specific article, please leave a comment below on the article or recipe page.