Boba Carrier Review

Heather Dessinger

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Boba Carrier Review

I Slow Danced With A Stranger In The Back of A Plane

Well, strangers plural . . . in the aisle between the restrooms, to be exact. Welded together by the Boba carrier, Micah and I waltzed with Mrs. Kind Eyes, Distracted Business Man and Snores Loudly as they squeezed around us into those tiny closets called airplane bathrooms.

Nestled with his ear right next to my heart and with the bold thrumming of windshear all around us, my little man slept as I greeted more than half the planes guests on their way to do business. My sweeping “this one’s unoccupied” gesture was met with an awkward smile and a shrug, but I bet they all agreed that the arrangement was preferable to a screaming baby.

Three years prior I was in the exact same situation with Katie at 7 months, but THOSE people got a screaming baby! What was the diff?

The Boba carrier.

I am not really of the opinion that babies need a lot of gear. My attempt to register at Babies R’ Us during my pregnancy was laughable (there was nothing there that we needed!). But there are a few things I consider essential. Tops on my list is the Boba. I tried other carriers when Katie was young, but most of them left deep, red, angry grooves on my shoulders after an hour or so. In the end I gave up and just carried her everywhere.

And visited my chiropractor very, very often.

My chiro, possibly in an attempt to save me some money this time around, recommended the Boba carrier to me. As if there weren’t already a million reasons to love her, this cinches it.

What Makes the Boba Carrier Unique?

Boba has a leg up on other soft structured carriers, literally. Here’s their story in their own words:

We just had the best idea- foot straps- to get that digging fabric off of little hamstrings, prevent bigger legs from just hanging and just give them a place to rest- just like the rungs we rest our feet on when we sit on a bar stool.

The Boba Story

I LOVE this innovation because it reduces stress on their lower backs, which is especially helpful in reducing fussiness when they have to be worn for long periods of time.

Another thing that sets Boba apart is that the high back that prevents the “pulling away” feeling that sometimes occurs with other carriers. The waist strap is secured by a military-grade safety buckle, so there’s no need to worry about spontaneous releases either.

Best of all, the Boba carrier is adjustable (fits mom AND dad) and is rated for children 15-45 pounds, so I’m expecting to get tons of mileage out of my investment!

Shop for Boba carriers on Amazon.

P.S. I slow danced my baby boy to sleep in the kitchen today. Thanks to my Boba I was daydreaming about dancing with him at his wedding instead of counting the seconds until I could put his 19-pound tushie down.

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Heather is a holistic health educator, herbalist, DIYer, Lyme and mold warrior. Since founding in 2009, Heather has been taking complicated health research and making it easy to understand. She shares tested natural recipes and herbal remedies with millions of naturally minded mamas around the world. 

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407 thoughts on “Boba Carrier Review”

  1. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up! 2 (I hope this is the right way to do this :))

  2. I’m going to post on FB, but just to let you know the link in the entry directions goes to the old Moby giveaway.

  3. I’m friends with boba already! I have a used one, but I would love a new one so thatbi can pass this used ine along to another deserving mom!!!

  4. I definitely just did everything – new stumble account, shared via facebook (and twitter – cause i’m one of those) and liked Boba on facebook. Would love love love one of these!

  5. I’m confused with the ending date….I’m assuming it’s supposed to be May 31? Right now it says “March 31”.

  6. How did you know….I am wanting one of these so bad that I told my hubby it would be a great Mothers Day Gift!!!
    I liked Boba on Fb!

  7. shared on fb! i really really really hope i win! oh and it says that the contest ends march 31… what is it supposed to be?

  8. after great struggle and confusion, and with help from my husband, I finally created a stumble upon account, and then gave a thumbs up to the Real Food for Busy Moms page. I feel a WIN coming my way!! 🙂 haha!

  9. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up, as well as the blog on Real Food! (1)

  10. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up, as well as the blog on Real Food! (2)

  11. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up, as well as the blog on Real Food! (3)

  12. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up, as well as the blog on Real Food! (4)

  13. Joined Stumble and gave your blog post about sunscreen a thumbs up, as well as the blog on Real Food! (5)

  14. Even though I already have one & absolutely love it, I am going to enter as it would make an awesome shower gift (know a few ladies pregnant right now)!

  15. I facebooked it!

    I so need one of these! I have a one year old who would love it, and another on the way. I’ve been wanting a Beco but this looks even better!

  16. I created an account on StumbleUpon too!! I don’t need it but I want it!! It seems selfish but every once in a while that is okay…right!?

  17. 1- I created a StumbleUpon acct & liked “Real Food for Busy Moms”..would LOVE to have this for my future baby boy/girl (Nov. 27th)! 🙂

  18. 5- created a stumble upon account and gave thumbs up to the sunlight post!
    (sorry, #3 was supposed to say this as well but while it was giving me time to post again i was copying to paste on fb)

  19. I shared the link for the giveaway on FB! I am going on a plane trip with two kids BY MYSELF next week. I need to win!!!! Come on pick me 🙂

  20. And finally sharing the giveaway on FaceBook right NOW! Thursday, thanks so much. Fingers & toes & eyes crossed! Really wanna get a Boba! xxx

  21. P-Perfect for your budget….Real Food For Busy Moms: More Budget Recipes….Read on and save $$ while you enjoy your home cooked meal!

  22. Q-Quoting The Boba Story: “We just had the best idea- foot straps- to get that digging fabric off of little hamstrings, prevent bigger legs from just hanging and just give them a place to rest- just like the rungs we rest our feet on when we sit on a bar stool.”
    Need to stop at Q, out of days to comment!!
    Thanks for the opportunity to play; it has been fun! Congratulations to the winner!!

  23. Hi! I am considering buying one of these to wear on the airplane when we travel for my almost two year old. Would the boba be comfortable to wear while sitting on the plane? I noticed you stood while wearing yours and I also have a 3 year old so I will not be able to stand up. Any input you have would be appreciated. Thanks!

    • Hi Lisa! I don’t think it would be very comfortable to use while sitting. I do, however, have some great tips on traveling with kids that a friend shared with me. Would you like me to email it to you?

    • Nope, it wouldn’t be very comfortable, since it has quite a wide waist belt that would likely dig into your lap while you sat. Besides that, most airlines will not allow you to wear your baby in a carrier while you are in your seat (at least during takeoff/landing). That can depend on the airline attendant, but I have seen it stated in two different company’s written policies. On the other hand, one could point out that it is possible to hold your baby in your lap until the flight attendants buckle up and then put baby back into the carrier. Not that I’m recommending that. Certainly not.

  24. I don’t know if this will get lost in the comments, but I LOVE my Boba. I have 16 different carriers – I make them myself, so not too much money spent – but this one is my favorite by far. It works for all ages. My third baby got tucked into the Boba when she was born, and she pretty much stayed there until she was 4 months old. It was the same level of snuggly comfort as the Moby wrap, but quicker to put on. She’s a happy girl anyway, but I have never seen such a content baby as she was in her wrap. As a mom of three, it was priceless to have my hands free. I have even carried my 3 year old in this for an hour+, and it is super-comfortable. (For what it’s worth, I think the feet straps are a fabulous idea, but she has never allowed me to use them with her. Oh well.)
