High Levels of BPA Found In Sports Bras + Non-Toxic Alternatives

Heather Dessinger

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bpa sports bras

So, you’ve switched to non-toxic personal care products, tossed your sketchy plastic water bottle, and swapped old plastic food containers for stainless steel or glass. When the cashier at your local store asks if you want a BPA-infused paper receipt, you usually opt for a digital version instead . . . so you’ve eliminated most of the BPA exposure in your life, right?

That’s what I thought until recently when the Center for Environmental Health – a non-profit watchdog organization – released a report showing high levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in popular sports bras and other athletic clothing made by Athleta, PINK, Asics, The North Face, Nike, FILA, and other popular brands. According to the report, these bras can contain up to 22 times the safe limit of BPA established by California law.


This would probably be good time to mention that I’ve basically been living in bralette-style sports bras in order to avoid lymph-constricting underwire bras. Double yikes.

Is BPA in sports bra’s really a big deal?

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is definitely yes, and here’s why:

1 – BPA exposure is linked to a wide range of negative health effects. BPA is often added to fabrics like polyester and spandex to improve colorfastness and make materials more resistant to static, but it comes with significant risks.

Unfortunately, according to Dr. Jimena Díaz Leiva, Science Director at CEH, “The problem with BPA is it can mimic hormones like estrogen and block other hormone receptors, altering the concentration of hormones in our bodies, and resulting in negative health effects.” (1) Exposure has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, weight gain, and even premature death. (2) (3) (4) (5)

She adds that, “Even low levels of exposure [to BPA] during pregnancy have been associated with a variety of health problems in offspring.” (1)

2 – BPA is easily absorbed through skin. According to Kaya Allan Sugerman, Illegal Toxic Threats Program Director at CEH:

Studies have shown that BPA can be absorbed through skin and end up in the bloodstream after handling receipt paper for seconds or a few minutes at a time. Sports bras and athletic shirts are worn for hours at a time, and you are meant to sweat in them, so it is concerning to be finding such high levels of BPA in our clothing.”

Also, though the chemical studied was different, research suggests that prolonged exposure to toxins in clothing can significantly impact chemical absorption: (6)

Better Sports Bra Options

For some of you, the solution might be to burn your bra – not literally, of course, since that would just cause you to inhale the toxins. But while going bra-free is an option, for most of us there are times when a bra is preferable.

Here are some healthy alternative options to consider.

branwyn black friday


Branwyn makes comfy and flattering first layer essentials and activewear that are all BPA and PFAS forever chemical-free. I highly recommend this seamless racerback sports bra, which is made with a heavyweight 4-way knit that provides a lot of support.

For lighter weight support, this non-toxic merino wool bralette is one of the most comfortable bras I’ve ever owned, period. It’s super soft and lasts 2-3 times longer than organic cotton bras. It’s unlined so I only wear it with thicker tops, but even with that it’s still an absolute favorite.

Click here to shop Branwyn


Pact offers several organic cotton bras that offer lighter support than Branwyn. I consider them more “loungewear” than “out-and-about” bras, but they might work for you depending on your preferences and cup size.

I’m testing some additional options this year, plus a whole lot of leggings that I picked up last Black Friday. I’ll post when I have more info to share, but for now look for high-quality materials like organic cotton, OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 fabrics, or GOTS certified fabrics.

Click here to shop Pact

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Then I’d love to give you a free copy of DIY Body Care Gifts Made Simple – my step-by-step guide to making gorgeous handcrafted gifts without stressing yourself out – as a gift for signing up for my newsletter. I’ll show you how to make vintage labels, luxurious lotion bars, lip balms, sugar scrubs, body sprays and more like a pro. Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll be redirected to the download page immediately!


  1. Center for Environmental Health (2022) New Testing Shows High Levels of BPA in Sports Bras and Athletic Shirts
  2. Wei Bao et. al. (2020) Association Between Bisphenol A Exposure and Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in US Adults
  3. Ruth Naomi et. al. (2022) Bisphenol A (BPA) Leading to Obesity and Cardiovascular Complications: A Compilation of Current In Vivo Study
  4. Francesca Farrugia et. al. (2021) Bisphenol A and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review of Epidemiologic, Functional, and Early Life Factors
  5. Hui Gao et. al. (2015) Bisphenol A and Hormone-Associated Cancers: Current Progress and Perspectives
  6. Francesco Ladaresta et. al. (2018) Chemicals from textiles to skin: an in vitro permeation study of benzothiazole

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Heather is a holistic health educator, herbalist, DIYer, Lyme and mold warrior. Since founding Mommypotamus.com in 2009, Heather has been taking complicated health research and making it easy to understand. She shares tested natural recipes and herbal remedies with millions of naturally minded mamas around the world. 

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16 thoughts on “High Levels of BPA Found In Sports Bras + Non-Toxic Alternatives”

  1. Yikes, then that would mean that our ‘must have’ jeans are hoarding BPA as well?
    (Because of the spandex). Oh dear, what do we do then? Thanks for the heads up
    with this article.

  2. I had no idea about the BPA but started switching up to organic for underwear especially. PACT is my go to. You have hand dry as they don’t last as long as the BPA type. I am OK with that. An interesting thing about bras is that they contribute to breast cancer in a big way. I cannot go without due to my small size with large breast. I have stoped the underwire and go with the bralettes only and sports bras for workouts or more support when called for. I go without as much as possible. Read Dressed to Kill by Dr Sydney Ross Singer. He did a really good study the Mainstream does not notice.

  3. When I first read this report regarding sports bras, I immediately purchased organic, non-toxic options. Other companies to consider are: Branwyn, Blue Canoe, Boody, and Groceries Apparel. However, this also got me thinking about body surface area, and I immediately ditched all of my synthetic-fabric leggings for natural fibers as well! Thank you for spreading this very important piece of information. I appreciate you!

  4. I’ve been searching for healthier bras for a long time. Neither of these companies make a bra large enough or with enough support. Hoping to find an option soon.

  5. Did you know that in the 60s or 70s, Doctors knew that bras with “bones” cause women to get cancer of the breast? I’m not joking. I heard this on a nightly radio show I have been listening to for many years. Then, everyone just seemed to forget. Go figure………….

    • Unfortunately it doesn’t have to be disclosed by the manufacturer as a material, so there’s not currently a way to check the tags for info. Materials like spandex don’t always contain BPA or other problematic chemicals, so the important thing is to choose manufacturers (whenever possible) that put effort into sourcing good materials and share that info with consumers.

      Bottom line: Look for high-quality materials like organic cotton, OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 fabrics, or GOTS certified fabrics.

  6. For many years now, I have been wearing nothing but leggings. I began with black as that was the only color available in natural fibers (organic cotton, organic bamboo) I got so tired of being dressed in black all the time, so I stopped wearing the natural fibers and went to the colorful prints available at many leggings stores. I know they aren’t healthy, but organics are SO DRAB!!!!! I don’t understand why the organic companies don’t at the very least make leggings in solid colors… Don’t they understand that women like COLOR! Pretty patterns would be nice, too…..but if it is the spandex that is the problem, there is spandex in the organics as well….so what is the difference?

    I have the same trouble with bras, although I do have a couple of the black and two browns from Boody. I wear boody socks, leggings and bras while walking, and organic panties, so I’m head to toe in organic with no polyester.

    But for everyday wear, I just can’t go back to boring, drab black. (the only problem with solid colored leggings (except black) is they show all of the rolls and fat layers, which is why I love the patterns. They don’t show it. I do have many tops that are also the same fabric in the trapeze/tunic flowy tops, but also have fabric in organic cotton and hemp and bamboo that I will be making patterns from to make organic tops.

    Anyone find an organic fabric leggings that isn’t black (grey/white: Patterned is great!) be sure to let me know and I’ll switch.

    I have already begun switching out my nasty pj bottoms with organic ones, and a few organic tops for sleeping/lounging as well. Not all at once, but slowly as they are SO expensive!!!! ( $80+ for 1 pair, about the same for the tops). So, soon, it will only be the leggings that are the BPA made ones. Sure would be nice to have colorful solid organic bras, too!!!!!

    • Wear Pact has colored leggings. Many types and shades. They carry almost all cloths now. Not cheap and do not put any in dryer. They last much longer if you line dry.

    • OK, so I finally went all organic cotton/ bamboo clothing. It was VERY expensive to do, but I did it. The only company that has patterned leggings is Pact (WearPact) Unfortunately, they don’t have ANY matching colored tops or bras to go with…..a HUGE mistake, in my opinion.
      I have chosen to wear longline organic cotton bras under the poly. tops, but have purchased a lot of great fabric from Organic Cotton Plus online and will soon be able to use the poly. tops as patterns for my new tops.

      I have kept a few old poly leggings that have such great patterns that I wear over my boody (bamboo, thin)leggings, so pretty much nothing poly. touches my actual skin.
      Be VERY careful about organic clothing companies! They are trying to go “GREEN” and have used plastic clothing as well as organic fibers!!!
      Companies to buy from:
      Boody (Australia, bamboo: they do contain spandex, however)
      Under the Canopy: LOVE their organic cotton pants and tops.
      (Wear)Pact. Small selection of patterned leggings

      These are the 3 I bought most of my clothing from.

  7. This reminds me of an article the singer songwriter Joe Jackson got into trouble for years ago. He investigated the “science” that said 22,000 people a day were dying of smoke-related diseases because as a casual smoker (5-10 cigarettes a day) he said he would quit if the evidence said he could be harming anyone.
    He was thorough. Not only did he find out that if you collected ALL the studies “proving” smoking caused harm & multiplied them by a hundred (!) you’d still be within the margin of error. So no proof it causes harms.
    Then he listed statistical evidence for things MORE closely tied to cancer & surprisingly, “wearing a bra” was on that list.
    Not “wearing CERTAIN bras” or wearing them a certain way or with something toxic. Just “wearing a bra” had already had evidence that it caused cancer.

  8. Hey, Heather! Thanks for the heads up about BPA in sports bras. Sigh. I didn’t know this. I went to the Vibrant site, and don’t see any there. In your article, were you recommending their semi-demi bra for exercise? Thanks in advance. ~Amy

  9. Hello. Thank you for your feedback.
    There is a True increase in Breast Cancer We are NOW seeing young girls 22 presenting with stage 4.. I ask why. IT is due I believe as do others ..due to what they are exposed to Never before have you seen more young girls in gyms yoga etc and ALL ALL ALL are wearing Toxic clothing ,,, sports bras sweating which increased absorption ( it is all simple obvious. YET Athleta charging 90 per toxic bra and YET this country the USA does nothing. >. Please i would like to help. I am oldere I have a 22 year old I am just as guilty of wearing clothing WE never think about it to HECK wtih the water bottles Everything we touch all foods are Plastic Leaching leaching I was so shocked .. vacationing UP in MAINE so the store believes their market is helping with its PAPER BAGS in this Maine ogunquit market Every item WE PUT INTO THAT Paper bag was in plastic The milk the water the soda the Cheese. the bread. the containers of the food. YET a paper BAG??? unless this goes public for women adn I mean public. more women and young girls will die. IT is a death sentence to wear toxic clothign adn I never NEVER thought of it. AND of course speak about it and people LOOK at you like ” YOU ARE NUTS an enviromentalist. ( well what is wrong with caring about such ) and TRUTH I do not enough I even question you. no offense. SHARE what BRA is safe … it can save lives. CAN I HELP YOU hel[p others. let me know …Europe does not toxify in clothing the way the USA does and it is all because of our industry FDA owned by tHE PHARMA and MD’s plastice Gosh the billionaires would be at a loss. WE need real clothing and i believe you know the BRA’s so let us know.
