“Tried that, didn’t work” is a common phrase we hear about morning sickness remedies. Why is that, and are there evidence-based ways to ease pregnancy nausea? Those are the questions we’re going to dive into today. If you haven’t read it yet, earlier this week we talked about the causes of morning sickness, and how I managed to avoid it with pregnancy #2 and #3 using nutrition and supplements. In this post we’ll cover tips for easing nausea and food aversions while getting your baby the best nourishment possible.
Before we jump in, though, please keep in mind that this article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment – a full disclaimer can be found here. Okay, on to the post!
Morning Sickness Remedies
We’re all unique and some remedies may work better than others based on each mama’s situation, but one thing to consider before writing off a remedy is that most need some time to do their thing.
According to Dr. Amy O’Donnell, who co-authored a study on several of the remedies we’ll be discussing (ginger, vitamin B6 and acupressure), “The evidence suggests that if these measures are going to be effective, they’ll start to help within three to four days.” (source) With that in mind, here are some suggestions for easing (or possibly preventing) nausea during pregnancy.

#1- Magnesium
Okay, I know just about everything seems to relate back to magnesium these days. Dog’s tail turned blue? Magnesium deficiency! Bus was late? Magnesium deficiency! But here’s the deal: Magnesium really does play a critical role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body, impacting everything from energy metabolism and stress management to hormone balance, detoxification, sleep, the creation of proteins, and yes, nausea.
When it comes to morning sickness, the important thing to know is that magnesium plays a crucial role in balancing cortisol, which is the primary hormone that influences blood sugar. (Deans 2011, Briden 2014) Blood sugar swings (particularly dips) are thought to be one of the main causes of pregnancy nausea, so doctors and midwives often recommend approaches that support stable blood sugar.
It may also have other benefits during pregnancy, such as helping us be more resilient to physical and emotional stress, and possibly increasing our pain tolerance (not a bad thing for labor!). (source) I found it helped a lot with restless leg syndrome late in pregnancy.
Ideally we’d get all our magnesium from food, but most foods are lower in mineral content than they used to be due to soil depletion. (source) I found that to keep my restless leg symptoms from flaring toward the end of my pregnancy I needed to supplement – here’s a guide to magnesium supplementation that I put together after researching all the available forms.
#2 – Vitamin B6
According to this analysis, “In two studies comparing vitamin B6 with placebo (Sahakian 1991; Vutyavanich 1995), results favoured vitamin B6 for reduction in nausea after three days.”
Theories about why it helps vary, but here are a few worth considering:
- Vitamin B6 helps move magnesium into the cells. (source)
- It supports hormone balance – particularly the regulation of the hormone cortisol – which affects blood sugar. Low blood sugar can cause symptoms of nausea
- It supports the liver in clearing away excess hormones after they’re no longer needed.
Cofactors that may be helpful for utilizing B6 are vitamin B12, magnesium and vitamin D – all nutrients found in a healthy pregnancy diet.
Foods rich in B6 include chicken, turkey, beef, pork, salmon, tuna, bell peppers, spinach, green peas, yams, broccoli, asparagus, turnip greens, and properly prepared peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, hazelnuts, and lentils. Note: Vitamin B6 degrades when exposed to heat, so prepare these items at the lowest temperature possible.
There are also B6 supplements that contain the bioavailable, active form: Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (P5P). This is a brand I use often for targeted supplementation.
Foods rich in B12 include sardines, salmon, venison, lamb, beef, shrimp, scallops, and yogurt.

#3 – Ginger
Like most morning sickness remedies, the evidence for ginger is somewhat inconsistent. However, one study did find that it was just as effective as Dramamine for easing nausea during pregnancy, and another review of available research concluded that “ginger is a safe and effective treatment option for nausea and comparable with vitamin B6 in effectiveness.” (Pongrojpaw 2007, Bryer 2005)
To make fresh ginger root into a tea, simply place a few thin slices of peeled ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger root) in a cup of boiling water and allow to steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain out the ginger, then sweeten if desired and sip as you can.

#4 – Acupressure
Applying pressure to the P6 acupoint (on the wrist) has traditionally been used to ease morning sickness. Although studies showing effectiveness are mixed, there are a few on continuously applied acupressure (using Sea Bands) that are interesting.
Sea Bands are basically wrist bands with a hard piece that applies pressure to the P6 point. When they were given to a group of pregnant mamas in their first trimester, the mamas experienced significantly less frequency and severity of nausea. The study concluded that “Sea-Bands with acupressure buttons are a noninvasive, inexpensive, safe, and effective treatment for the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.” (Steele 2001)
Another study conducted at the University of Pittsburg Medical center study found that they reduced nausea by two-thirds for post-op patients. (Ferrarra-Love 1996)

Advice from a Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Mama
Over the years several mamas with HG have shared their experiences with me, including what’s helped them. Here’s one I think is worth passing along:
“After I was 8 weeks pregnant, I started throwing up like crazy (48 times a day, at first) and before long I was on a couple types of meds day and night (including Zofran). After a couple months (and lots of research), I stumbled across the recommendation of cocolaurin and started taking Pink Stork’s cocolaurin 3 times a day. After a month of taking it, I was feeling human again (I could go running!) and started being able to eat some meals without meds to keep it down. It gradually got better and better, and after two months, I didn’t need the meds at all anymore.
All in all, by mid-pregnancy, I had lost 20 pounds, but during the second half of the pregnancy I gained it all back – right before I gave birth (to a healthy 6 pound 4 oz baby girl) I weighed exactly what I did at the start of the pregnancy.” – Skarlet
Cocolaurin may be helpful for supporting the body’s immune defense against H. pylori bacteria, which as discussed in this post on the causes of morning sickness is thought to play a role in HG.
Pink Stork also sells a set that contains magnesium, cocolaurin and a probiotic that supports a balanced gut – you can find it here. They also make a peach and ginger “Morning Sickness Relief Pregnancy Tea” that some moms swear by.
More Tips For Morning Sickness Relief
In addition to the remedies above, here are some lifestyle adjustments that may be helpful.
1. Eat Before You Get Out Of Bed
“Since low blood sugar levels will make your nausea worse, it is best to try to keep your blood sugar level as even as possible. Keep hard cheese, apples, bananas, and nuts by your bed. Snack on them when you get up in the middle of the night to pee, and then again when you first wake up.” (Source: Beautiful Babies e-course)
This is fantastic advice that is also quite helpful for nursing moms. I went to bed with a snack for the first year of my daughter’s life!
2. Eat More Frequently
If a mama is experiencing nausea, many doctors and midwives recommend eating small meals every 2-3 hours to help stabilize blood sugar.

3. Sip On Bone Broth
Bone broth is pretty magical stuff. It contains minerals that act as “spark plugs” in our bodies, and it’s also rich in amino acids like glycine, which is needed to make bile. Mamas often find that sipping on homemade bone broth soothes their stomach and strengthens their digestion, making it easier to eat well.
4. Sip On Lemon Water
Lemon supports the liver, which is the organ that helps to clear away excess hormones. Some practitioners believe that a sluggish liver may result in a buildup of pregnancy hormones, resulting in nausea.
5. Eat More Protein And Saturated Fat
I know, foods like eggs, fatty fish and beef are pretty much the last thing a morning sick mama wants to think about. Though they are great for stabilizing blood sugar and reducing nausea, many pregnant women just can’t stomach them. Why is that?
How Food Aversions Contribute To Nausea
Counter-intuitive as it seems, an aversion to rich or fatty foods may be the result of low cholesterol. Here’s why: Our liver uses cholesterol to make the bile needed to digest fats, but it also uses cholesterol to help your body make the hormones needed to sustain a pregnancy. The theory goes that the body will prioritize hormone production to support the pregnancy over making bile if there isn’t enough cholesterol to go around.
Of course, the best thing to do is eat a preconception diet rich in cholesterol, but if that ship has already sailed your genius body has a workaround. It can create cholesterol from carbs! This is why so many mamas who can’t stand the sight of meat crave french fries and bagels early on.
Cholesterol is “so important to fetal development that pregnant women who do not have high enough cholesterol levels are at increased risk of having babies with developmental problems,” says a recent study, who concluded that good cholesterol levels can even reverse many of the negative effects of fetal alcohol syndrome. Obviously, it’s wonderful that the body has a redundant system if not enough is present, but there is a downside to getting cholesterol from carbs instead of proteins and fats. Donuts and french fries do not contain essential B-vitamins, protein, and fat soluble vitamins A, D, K and E. Meat and healthy fats do.
Fortunately, there’s a workaround for the workaround. Rather than binging exclusively on carbs, taking digestive bitters may help support bile production and make protein and fat more palatable. Most commercial bitters contain herbs that should not be consumed during pregnancy, but Urban Moonshine makes a pregnancy-safe version.
Also, in Beautiful Babies author Kristen Michaelis recommends eating meat cold, saying “I’ve become a big fan of cold meat salads: chicken salad, tuna salad, crab salad, etc. You don’t have to heat the meats or smell them. Just stir in mayo or sour cream, salt, pepper, maybe some dill relish, chopped nuts, and craisins or raisins. Works with any cold meat and tastes YUMMY.” (Quick note: I would limit tuna intake unless it has been tested for mercury.)
6. Get Some Sun
Vitamin D helps the body absorb and utilize magnesium, and as discussed in this post on eating a healthy pregnancy diet. As I wrote about here, vitamin D supplements may not be able to fully replace the benefits of sunshine.
Have you tried any remedies for morning sickness?
Please share what worked for you in the comments. Also, if you know a mama who might benefit from this post, please share it with her!
Plus why an aversion to cholesterol rich foods (like eggs) signals a cholesterol deficiency, how that can cause developmental delays in children, and what you can do about it!
I get “morning sickness” every morning. Sometimes throughout the day and every night like clock work between 11pm-12am. You could almost set a clock. Help
So the magnesium oil won’t cause problems with the baby’s teeth? I’m just confused by that b/c you stated you used magnesium to help with RLS when pregnant with your daughter. Then her teeth were not healthy when they came in.
I used it with my second and third child all through pregnancy and breastfeeding. They have SUCH STRONG TEETH 🤷🏼♀️.
Ashley Kelso Sherrill – Right, it’s no problem if you also increase calcium intake via bone broth and watch for signs that you’re getting too much magnesium (loose stools). With Katie I thought the fact that I had supplemented with far more magnesium than calcium was the cause of her decay, but later I realized it was an undiagnosed lip tie which caused milk to pool on top of her teeth. She basically had the breastfed version of “bottle rot” – more on that here https://mommypotamus.com/why-our-mothers-shouldnt-have-listened-to-theirs/ and here https://mommypotamus.com/how-to-diagnose-tongue-and-lip-ties/. Looking back, though, too much magnesium was not the primary factor I originally thought it was (though it was probably a factor since I had signs I was taking too much like loose stools. TMI, I know!). The lip tie was definitely the main problem as most of the decay occurred right at the site of the tie. However, as is mentioned in the post both should be increased so as not to create an imbalance 🙂
I have trouble viewing your resource page, and I have tried 3 different browsers and ad blocking stuff, but still nothing. Can you tell me, which brand you recommend for magnesium oil? Thanks!
Hi Mie, it’s Ancient Minerals sold by Radiant Life 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Great post! I’m so incredibly thankful for these posts because if I ever make up my mind about having another baby, I would love to skip morning sickness this time around. lol
You saved my life! First day with mild morning sickness. Much better than violent
Thank you so much for this article! It’s so helpful for me RIGHT NOW!!! I did the GAPS diet 100% for 7 months and now that I’m pregnant, I can hardly stomach any of the foods I used to love… it’s so bizarre, but now I understand why I’m craving carbs so much! I don’t know why but broth is just repulsive to me right now… I even made it and the smell of it was too much to bear… I can’t even imagine drinking it. I force myself to have an egg each morning and seem to need some form of meat every 2 hours…. but I can hardly stand to make any food in the house b/c of the smell… do you have any suggestions? I’ve been only able to handle turkey sandwiches with deli meat and meat from restaurants…anything I make it just disgusting…. it’s SOOOO the opposite of how I’ve ALWAYS been my entire life, that it’s weird to get used to! I’m in my 8th week and just hoping this passes soon! Thank you!
I’d start with bitters immediately and see if that doesn’t help with the aversions. Good luck!
Also, try other cold meats. I’ve become a big fan of cold meat salads: chicken salad, tuna salad, crab salad, etc. You don’t have to heat the meats or smell them. Just stir in mayo or sour cream, salt, pepper, maybe some dill relish, chopped nuts, and craisins or raisins. Works with any cold meat and tastes YUMMY.
Cold meat: What about the risk of listeria?
Yes, I asked my Dr. and she said absolutely no to any kind of cold meats at all, because of the risk of listeria. It seems strange that you would recommend that pregnant women eat cold meats, especially when it is such a risk and very widely known that you are not to eat cold meats when pregnant. Seems irresponsible.
I think you are misunderstanding Kristen’s suggestion. She is recommending meats that are considered safe, just served cold. Chicken is most often served hot, but it can be cooked thoroughly, placed the fridge and eaten cold. Some pregnant women find this more palatable. Does that make sense?
It’s not actually a misunderstanding, but a difference of opinion. It seems that different countries have different recommendations. In Australia, guidelines are fairly strict. For example: http://www.thepregnancycentre.com.au/getattachment/Pregnancy/Well-Being/Listeria-and-Food-Safety-during-Pregnancy/Listeria-Advice-Sheet.pdf.aspx
We are advised against eating cold meats, because, unlike many other bacteria, listeria can survive and multiply at refrigeration temperatures.
If food is prepared carefully, e.g. hygienically prepared, home cooked meat, put straight into the refrigerator and eaten within 24 hours, it should be ok. However this information should be given, rather than simply encouraging pregnant women eat cold meat.
Ahhh, I see. I am not aware of any similar recommendations in the U.S., so this is new to me.
I have read research articles based on the link between ketosis and fetal growth and development. Morning sickness promotes ketosis, methinks. I don’t think morning sickness is as bad for the mother and the developing baby as made out.
Lisa, That sounds like the words of a person who didn’t have very bad morning sickness 🙂 Lucky you. However- telling people that what they are experiencing isn’t that bad probably doesn’t feel helpful if they feel it is that bad.
Hi! A friend linked me to your previous post. I technically had HG with my first (though not officially diagnosed with it) and lost 7.5% of my already small (107 lbs) body weight. I had aversions to everything. Especially eggs and any vegetable and all dairies (and just about everything else besides). The only things I did NOT throw up were loaded-baked-potatoes and McD’s burgers and fries. For someone who hadn’t eaten fast food in 4 years, it was torture. I’ve always thought it was a nutrient deficiency. Though I suspected protein as I hadn’t been eating much of that (but lots of veggies and beans). But perhaps protein was just a factor? I so wish I had read this blog last year. 🙁
Since having a my daughter, now 25 months, I have consciously worked towards increasing my fats (butter and coconut oil often, and unheated olive oil here and there) and my proteins (I have meat at nearly every meal and I had two or three eggs every morning for the greater part of this last year – though I got tired of eggs a month or two back and took a break, but when I had them again they made me nauseous….thinking it was just the chicken vs duck eggs). I have also been decreasing my carb intake in general (wheat and/or gluten allergy). Well, now I’m “5 weeks” pregnant. But here’s my problem. Last month I had something going on digestively where my stools were runny – not acidic like diarrhea, just runny. Multiple times a day. This has left me feeling very depleted and rather upset to then find out I wound up pregnant after a month of that. They aren’t runny anymore, but they are abnormally soft, despite consistently eating nutrient dense, quality foods. I can already tell my body is low in mag – I have RLS pretty awful at night. But if my stools are already loose what can I do? I AM about to start working with a GAPS/WAPF nutritionist and have passed your article on to him, so I know he’ll have good input. That’s a few days away though and I’m not sleeping well. I’m also still nursing. Any thoughts/suggestions? I’m TERRIFIED of being so sick again with a toddler to care for. 🙁
I’m so sorry, Michelle, that sounds awful! It sounds to me like you may be magnesium deficient, but of course if there is another factor causing loose stools figuring out the correct dosage could be tricky.You are very wise to seek out the help of a GAPS practitioner, and I’d love for you to come back and share what he/she advises you to do! Congratulations on your pregnancy – I hope you figure out things soon!
Well, so far the GAPS practitioner seems to be less than helpful. We’ve only spoken once be he seemed to not no much about pregnancy related nausea 🙁 So Far I have doing epsom salt soaks every night and then afterwards applying magnesium gel. I think it helps. But I am also following the advice in this post to cleanse my liver:
The most helpful thing I have found is drinking lemon water. I’ve felt exceptionally better since I’ve been drinking it the last last week. I didn’t have it for over 24 hours between yesterday and today and I threw up. Bought some more lemons today. The lame thing is that my desire for whole foods goes out the window with pregnancy 🙁 Eggs make me horribly nauseous and I just don’t know what to eat because everything that actually sounds good is crap and everything good just the thought of makes me nauseous. Raw fruits and veggies give me heartburn….bah. It’s like a losing battle. On the upside I have eaten very well the year and half prior to this pregnancy, so this baby has a lot of nutrients already stored in me that DD did not. But that’s the hard part about the nutritionist too. “You shouldn’t be eating that.” Well, I KNOW I shouldn’t be eating it….but if it comes down to not getting enough protein or eating a protein bar and feeling bad about it, I’m going to eat a protein bar :/ It’s just hard.
Michelle, are you sure you’re getting enough iron? For me, it is pretty effective to take an iron supplement whenever I get diarrhea and a magnesium supplement whenever I get constipated. Foods that are high in iron but not so high in fiber can help too. Pregnancy requires a LOT of iron.
I know that when you are pregnant, your thyroid increases dramatically to prevent birth defects in your child. Hyperthyroid symptoms include runny stools and/or diarrhea. Ask your OBGYN about a thyroid test if they haven’t already?
(Probably should’ve checked the date…oh well!) Good luck and hope this helps someone else. Sorry.
I’m sure it will, Jeanie! Thanks!
How interesting! I’ve been using mineral drops in my water the last several months, but I’ll be increasing my magnesium even more now that I know this! I get bad morning sickness and can’t go near protein for most of my pregnancy. I’ll be sharing this on my page!
Thanks for these posts! I actually felt guilty for not having morning sickness this time around, because I bought into the ‘it’s good for the baby’ thing. This makes me feel a lot better about getting pregnant a tad earlier than I had wanted to. (I didn’t think my body was ready yet, I was/am still pretty new to the traditional foods ideology.)
When I was pregnant with my third, I did not get morning sickness at all, unlike the other two pregnancies. I craved and drank kombucha and beat kvass, which are rich in B6, and so I attributed my lack of morning sickness to these changes. However, I was also drinking raw milk and eating meat, which was different from the first two pregnancies.
Well, a few days later and over a month of nausea is mostly gone… if it starts to come back, I spray on the magnesium in water mixture I made (waiting for the oil to arrive) and I feel better! Sitting in the sun each morning and Epsom salt baths are helping too! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I know my relief was a result of reading your article and making these changes!
Woohoo! I am SO GLAD to hear that Sara! Thank you for taking the time to let me know!
Ah, morning sickness!!! When I was in the early part of my pregnancy I had AWFUL morning sickness, but unlike most people the things I couldn’t eat were carbs and starches. I could eat as much fruit as I wanted but grains, potatoes, beans… they were all out of the question. I ate insane amounts of protien and milk products. I still have really bad heartburn (have had it the whole pregnancy) but I am better able to eat grains and such now. I do supplement extensively (including magnesium) and it seems to help quite a bit.
Remember another good source for minerals like magnesium is natural unrefined sea salt! Eating adequate amounts of salt can help prevent swelling in your feet and help keep your blood pressure down in the end of pregnancy. 🙂 I can’t afford the e-course with this little one (oh but I’ve wanted it!!!) but hopefully by the time I ttc the next one I’ll be able to get it!
Thanks for the awesome post!
That’s interesting, Amanda! It sounds like your body knew it had some cleansing (fruit) and rebuilding to do (meat and dairy). Have you tried apple cider vinegar for the heartburn?
Apple cider vinegar is one of my main triggers for heartburn during my pregnancy – any thoughts on this – could this mean I have low HA?
Amy, I have terrible heartburn in pregnancy also. ACV just makes it worse. The thing that has helped quite a bit, though, is drinking lemon water all day, not just when the heartburn is active. It’s literally all I drink. I have found that I have to use fresh squeezed juice, avoid Meyer lemons, and don’t freeze the juice.
I have so many thoughts and questions after reading your ‘morning sickness’ articles. I hope it is OK to air them here? and appoloies if i have missed anything you have already covered.
Firstly, are you talkikg about morning sickness as any nausea or sickness during pregnancy or the more common picture of the nausea/tiredness/vomiting that lasts around the 12 week mark? Or are you including the HG ladies and everyone inbetween? because if magnesium deficiency is the cause for ‘normal’ morning sickness (I use these terms in the broadest sense as i realise that everyone has a different experience) then why does it tend to clear up by 12/15 week or so? Like one of your other commenters mentioned, have you found any information about a genetic link with morning sickness? Myself my mother and grandmother all had sickness lasting all day for all of our pregnancies.
I am sure I have other thoughts too but those are the ones that spring to mind now. Maybe i should have e-mailed?? 🙂
love the blog, and after saying never again, i am actually considdering a second pregnancy (LO is 3), so all very relevant to me
Hi Sarah! I’m talking about morning sickness in the first trimester malaise sense. It may apply to HG, but I think it’s likely there are other factors at play there too. Regarding why it dissipates, I think it’s because the initial hormone surge that blocks magnesium absorption starts to even out around the second trimester.
I’m curious about about the above question, too. I’m 37 weeks pregnant and have had the worst pregnancy nausea this time around. Which is odd, because I ate a SAD with my other two pregnancies and spent a year preparing my body with real food before becoming pregnant this time. It’s been so miserable that I really think this will be my last pregnancy (#3). I haven’t had the classic morning sickness – just a constant hangover-feeling that is most intense before bed. It’s been up to month 8, and then just returned within the last week. So I’m going to up my magnesium intake (although I was already taking it already, soaking my seeds, nuts, etc) and just see if that helps. I’d read the WAPF recommendations for nausea and attempted to follow them (like sipping milk throughout the day), and that made my nausea significantly worse. Thanks for exploring this topic. It’s kind of just like a big experiment for me!
HI Amy! I was really surprised to find that I was magnesium deficient after years eating almost 100% WAPF, but the more I’ve learned the more it makes sense. We used to get a lot of magnesium from water and certain crops, but water filters and soil depletion have made those sources pretty unreliable : (
With all three of mine I never actually vomited, just had nausea, and that only lasted for a couple of weeks. i found that eating citrus fruit, believe it or not, helped me – all I had to do was peel an orange, cut into a grapefruit or squeeze some lemon into water and I felt immediately better.
My diet is nutrient dense as a general rule, I do have Celiac Disease so the only grains I consume are gluten free, i love fresh fruits as veggies, fresh smoothies and juices were what I CRAVED most, not meat – as a matter of fact, my red meat consumption has scaled back dramatically (1x per week), I haven’t had chicken in 5 years and I’m mostly a shellfish/fish eater and I’ve never felt better.
I’m 36 weeks with my 3rd child and while pregnancy at 38 with full-time work and 2 kids isn’t easy, I’ve felt healthier than ever before.
Hi, I have suffered from severe HG in my 3 pregnancies and I feel like I have tried everything to deal with it, but with no result. We are trying to conceive again, but I dread the HG and are trying now your magnesium suggerstion, although very sceptical! 🙂 Would you consider writing about HG and possible treatments?
Thank you so much for all the wonderful information.
I am 32 weeks pregnant. The first three months were horrible! I threw up only once but had terrible nausea and extreme fatigue. After the first trimester things got somewhat better, but I’ve had little energy and aches and pains the whole time. Now I’ve been experiencing some nausea again! Would you say that the causes of this nausea could be pretty much the same as in early pregnancy? I’ve been trying my best to move our family’s diet toward a traditional one but we live in Italy and it is extremely difficult to find good whole foods. If I cannot get a hold of magnesium oil or epsom salts do you think that it is worth it to take magnesium tablets? Or should I just stick to the best food I can find?
And, here the doctors are very concerned about toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, and suggest that meat be completely cooked, but of course red meat is horrible like that! Do you have any info on the real risk of catching toxo from beef cooked rare? Thank you!
Hi Maria! I am almost certain you will be able to find epsom salts because I believe they are still often used for muscle aches in Europe. Regarding the nausea, yes, it could be that a surge of late pregnancy hormones is inhibiting your already limited uptake of magnesium, leading to blood sugar fluctuations and nausea.
Not sure what to tell you about the meat. I personally feel comfortable consuming rare-medium beef while pregnant, but that’s because I know the meat I consume was raised in a healthy environment. Another option would be to fully cook roasts and such in a slow-cooker to maintain tenderness and nutritional benefits.
Hi! I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Thanks for all of this information. One word of CAUTION however: pregnant women should not take Swedish bitters. I am all for herbal remedies, in fact that’s all I use (well, sometimes homeopathy as well), and the herbs that are contained in the Swedish bitters are dangerous to pregnant women. It even says on the box of the brand you linked that pregnant women should not take it!
I think Swedish bitters are a great way to stimulate bile production, but I would definitely NOT take it if you are pregnant!
And all these remedies are safe while breastfeeding? I was horribly sick with my first child (she’s almost a year) and would like to start preparing for the next pregnancy, especially by supplementing with magnesium oil.
Hi Tabatha! Yes, I would consider all of these remedies to be safe while breastfeeding 🙂
Thank you for your response and the helpful blog post!!
Hello I have a morning sickness n extremely vomting n I feel weekness thourght all days
You mentioned tuna a couple of times and I was curious about that since I’ve always heard that you shouldn’t eat tuna while pregnant. Is it ok to have any time or should you limit it? So glad I found this now, as my husband and I are trying but not pregnant yet. Hoping I can bypass the morning sickness with this info! Thank you!
Very interesting! Another HG mama here. I had the same thoughts as someone mentioned earlier about the difference between HG and morning sickness of the garden variety. My mum had it and statistically there is a 25 percent chance with direct kin having had it, vs 0.7 percent of the general population. I have some magnesium oil there, so I will def start using. Another thing I want to do is buy some locally sourced water which is very alkaline and full of minerals. Expensive but it’s a big change I’ve been thinking may help. I’m always looking for pointers for the next pregnancies 🙂 I did a lot of changes over the gap between my two sons but was drinking an alkalising drink of lemon, orange, blueberry and kale juice in the mornings before the sickness kicked in and think it may have been this that contributed to less ptyalism (over production of saliva) if that is of help to anyone. Any other HGers out there, go easy on yourselves. Don’t stress about eating whole foods when pregnant. Do your best, but especially beforehand because you just can’t help it when you get that sick. <3
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my third child and started with morning sickness again. We’ve been on GAPS for 9 months and I’m doing everything you’ve recommended in your blog – magnesium oil, epson salt baths, B vitamins, eggs, bone broth and raw milk. What could I possibly be doing wrong? I really don’t know how I can survive 3 months of this…
When using the magnesium oil, do you wash it off after 20 min? That’s what my bottle says to do and I am just wondering why.
Some people find that it itches so they prefer to wash it off. I rub it on just before I go to bed so I don’t. Either way is fine 🙂
Hi! Great read, really interesting and thanks for the tips, since I started sipping bone broth, eating more eggs and meat it seems I’m starting to feel better (7 weeks pregnant and mildly nauseated).
While I read about the magnesium oil, I was wondering about Epsom salts, which basically is magnesium sulphate. Would that work similar to the oil (in other words, what kind of magnesium is in the oil?)? We use it in our home in a bath as a way to detox when experiencing colds or other infections, so I’m hoping this would also be a way to absorb magnesium through the skin…
Definitely. Epsom salts are a great source of magnesium 🙂
Thank you for this blog post. I’ve always struggled with morning sickness during my pregnancies, and had HG for my first. I just started to experience the familiar nausea (usually my first pregnancy symptom) and am looking forward to trying some of these suggestions out to see if they make a difference for me. I really enjoyed reading all of this interesting information. Here’s hoping for a happy, healthy, nausea-free pregnancy!
Hi Heather, so I have a question: WIll my iliquid ionic magnesium work like the magnesium oil if I mix it with my lotion?
Heather, you are simply amazing!! My fiancee and I hope to get pregnant soon and this information is priceless. I have been taking magnesium for some time now and also love magnesium baths. Bone broths, healthy animal fats, raw butter, coconut oil; these are a few of my staples.
You inspire me. <3
Quick question: if I use the magnesium oil on my skin, should I take a magnesium pill as well? Or is the oil enough? Since it will take a few days for the oil to arrive in the mail, I want to start taking pills right away. Wondering if I should take both once the oil arrives…??
Magnesium is not easily absorbed via the digestive tracts, so I personally just use the oil.
I sipped some raw milk and it instantly helped with my nausea. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out why this could be. I do use magnesium oil and it does help, but I was out this morning and the milk saved me. Any ideas on how this works? It even cured my
Heart burn! Enzymes in the milk are the only thing that I can say may logically b e responsible.
This is great info. And it explains to me why I hate eggs when I’m pregnant! Fortunately, I’m fine with them if they’re in an egg casserole or even plain … as long as someone else cooks them! It’s the smell I can’t deal with. Also, pregnancy makes ground beef the GROSSEST THING EVER to me, especially if it’s grassfed … which is really unfortunate. Grass fed beef smells different to me than regular beef and the smell is what turns my stomach. But again … as long as someone else cooks it, I’m okay. Fatty fish though, no problem … in fact what I crave more than anything is SUSHI! LOL! Of course, I try to avoid raw fish when pregnant (I know opinions vary on this one), but there’s a sushi place in town that will cook your sushi to order upon request. Not quite as good as fresh sashimi, but close enough. 😉 Fortunately for me, morning sickness hits around 6 weeks and ends around 9 weeks, although the food aversions tend to linger on longer than that. So overall, I don’t have any complaints. But I will definitely pass this info on to friends I know who are really suffering with morning sickness. Thanks!
When I went to GNC I forgot which kind of magnesium was recommended in this article and made the mistake of getting tablets. My question is….can I dissolve the tablets in water and make a spray as I have seen on a few blogs but done with flakes?
Hi there! So I’m currently experiencing my first pregnancy and I’m 7 weeks. For the past 3 weeks I’ve been feeling extremely nauseous all day and started throwing up in the mornings yesterday. I find the only thing I can really stomach is fast foods, greasy foods or sushi! Anything home cooked or meaty will really make me gag. Also coke with ice seems to help. Does this sound normal? And I cannot…I mean CANNOT take my prenatals. They are way too big and just the smell makes me sick. All I’ve really been eating is fast food, sorry to say. 🙁 I don’t want an unhealthy baby. It’s my biggest fear! Am I going to mess things up if I don’t start eating properly or will the baby take what it needs from me? Please help! No doctors have a straightforward answer for me!
I had morning sickness until around week 19-20. I just ate what I could tolerate. I didn’t worry about it until my morning sickness was gone.
I should add that I took my prenatals everyday. That didn’t cause morning sickness for me.
What about morning sickness caused by extra drainage from allergies/sinus? Every morning I get rid of straight mucous and bile. Afterwards, I’m ok, but bowing to the porcelain gods every morning is hard with two toddlers to chase.
These are good tips. I’m ttc with baby #2 and reviewing a lot of this info to be prepared. I had extremely bad nausea with #1 and ended up in the hospital with an IV for 2 nights. My SIL made me chicken salad and egg salad when I got home and that saved me. No one had told me before that to eat protein and cold was best. I would also add to this list to stay well hydrated. I never felt sick the whole time I was in hospital on the IV. So when I got home I sipped on electrolyte fluids all day and that helped a lot. Ultima replenisher is a good all natural drink for that.
Prego with my second one, I don’t think I could have gone back for another if I’d not read the magnesium article of yours 6 months ago. I had a bucket under my desk at work with the first one and was sick from 3 weeks till
the day she came out (3 weeks late so a FULL 9 months of it). Been actively trying to build up my magnesium, plus we had been on gaps for 6mths before trying (for 1st angels extreme eczema). However, although it took longer to surface this time the nausea has really set in. I’m trying, I’m trying so hard. I am having 2-3 eggs for breakfast every day on buttered kamut sourdough. Last time my vitamin D was very low, this time i built it up and it’s really high. I am taking strong probiotics, kefir and kombucha but haven’t been able to take my cod liver oil, I’ll try. I can’t make broth, the smell is overwhelming but I’m going to a local Vietnamese restaurant and getting bowls of plain beef bone broth. I’m using homeopathic remedies and drinking raw milk. Still I feel sick 24 hours a day. What more can I do? What more can I do.
Oh mama!
I feel your pain! I was so sick with my first as well and it lasted the entire time even through labor! 🙁 Thank you for sharing what you’re doing b/c there are ideas there that I hadn’t thought of! Wondering what week you’re at b/c I hear it’s normal, even Mommypotamus (from what I’ve read), doesn’t feel great during the first trimester… also wanted to share that sipping on ICE cold water helped me with the nausea, I had a glass with a straw in my hand most of the first trimester (when it was worst)…also, I know she mentions in this article that magnesium can’t be absorbed when pregnant, but I noticed a real shift when I started applying the magnesium oil and lotion and taking Epsom Salt baths… so might be worth a try?!?! Oh, I feel your pain! I’m considering getting pregnant again and am terrified! Been applying magnesium lotion religiously in hopes that it would help but now, after reading your post, I’m a little less hopeful 🙁 Sorry and keep us updated if anything helps and if it lessens at some point! Ugh!!!
I have some nutrition questions in general. I am currently pregnant (unplanned) and am very excited, but I’m concerned about my diet bc last year, I cut out dairy and gluten and sugary foods due to some major skin issues with eczema, and now that I’m pregnant I’m wondering if I should add dairy and gluten back in. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and baby as I possibly can so I want to be sure I eat well and get all the nutrients I need. I am also currently struggling with eating enough variety due to being nauseated and food aversions. So many things I’ve liked in the past, don’t sound good. I’m almost 11 weeks so I’m hoping this feeling will pass soon. I haven’t tried magnesium, so I might should do that.
So, I’d like advice on whether I should add back in dairy and gluten. Also, what are your thoughts on the Dr Brewer Pregnancy Diet? Also, I’m taking a prenatal vitamin, but is there a specific brand you recommend or other vitamins you recommend? And how should I handle good aversions?
Thank you!
I love this post and am finding it helpful in reducing my morning sickness this time but the fatigue is still horrible. I know, I’m growing a person, I should be tired, but I’m exhausted ALL THE TIME! I can hardly manage to feed myself and my kids and then sit and watch them. I’m sleeping close to 10 hrs a night and napping with my baby in the afternoon. It seems like maybe this is a deficiency thing, too? Any suggestions for getting some energy back?
Thanks for the great ideas on helping with morning sickness. I’m always looking for new ideas of protein sources to keep by my bed, but what hard cheeses don’t need refrigeration? Or do you keep them in a cooler?
Hi Heather,
I want to do epsom baths as a means to up my magnesium but you mentioned that magnesium can be tainted with heavy metals. Can you recommend an epsom salt brand that is trusted? Thanks!
I don’t know if anyone reads these comments any more but I have a question about Vit D. What if you have morning sickness but it’s wintertime so you can’t get sunlight? I take FCLO but have awful morning sickness. Going to start a magnesium supplement and I have the AM oil I will start using ASAP.
what do you think about taking the CALM powder with magnesium? safe during pregnancy? a good source?
Hi Heather,
Can you please share with me your email address?
You might be interested on our product, I will be sending some samples for you try it out and let me know what you think. Please check our website http://www.idrinksant.com.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Hi Thyne, you can message me at [email protected] 🙂
Hi thankyou so much for the tips i’m 1 mth prego with my 2ed child… so morning sickness should hit in about 2/3 wks. My M-sicking was horrible.. everyday all day long, if i wasn’t throwing up i was nauseous 4 1/2 mths . i know Ginger also helps with M-sickness .. was going to make a ginger lemon-aid out of it. Are there any beverages you recommend for days someone can’t eat anything. i can’t do warm drinks
p.s. or food scents that help get ride of nausea i know mint is one
Please help me. I am from Brasil and this is my 3rd pregnancy and I puke everyday and feel awful all day long. I’ve read everything but did not understand HOW I am supposed to take the magnesium. Spray on my body?? Not drink it? or spray on food?? I know it sounds lame to you but I English is my second language and some things I just don’t get. Thank you so much!!!!!!
Its a spray for your body 🙂 it is absorbed through the skin.. Best of luck!
Avoid oily foods
Here have so much reason for morning sickness.One of them is Oily food.It is responsible for creating morning sickness.So we should avoid this habit of taking oily food as soon as possible.
I was coping with severe morning sickness and was unable to keep down even water. Was puking all my meals and was at my wits end unless I started drinking no to morning sickness tea. Thank God, it soothed me instantly.
Hi where can i find the no to morning sickness tea.. which brand is it. Thanx
Hi, very interesting article and helpful. I do wonder though, why are you recccomending raw milk when that can be a source of listeria? Raw milk should definitely be avoided.
Diet Ginger Ale is a pregnant woman’s best friend, I’ve found! eating carbs in the morning (bread, bagels, pasta) mixed with proteins (egg beaters, etc.) and drinking No to morning sickness tea!
Hi i am 6 weeks pregnant.. wake up to a headache ,nausea and a serious hangover plus heartburn.. feel so horrible what can i do… cant get out of bed
I am pregnant with my ninth child and this is the first time that my morning sickness has been mild. I usually throw up for 10 weeks day and night. I started eating bone broth several times a week and take a lot of supplements for adrenal fatigue syndrome. I am amazed at how good I feel and so totally agree with getting plenty of magnesium and eating a Weston A. Price diet that is dense in nutrients because I am still nursing my toddler and feel great. I want to tell everyone about this!
I had horrific HG first time round. With my second pregnancy I worked hard to avoid it (successfully) – I typed out my protocol here incase it helps others! http://www.fivekindsofhappy.com/2016/11/preparation-for-hyperemesis-pregnancy.html
Thank you for this post! I found it very interesting because I was diagnosed with HG for both of my (2) pregnancies. I’m curious, though, how did the woman with HG keep down the supplement that you recommended if she was throwing up 48 times a day? That is confusing to me. That was always my problem, I was on a pump my first pregnancy because I couldn’t keep down any medication.
One more plug for D3. There is some research that correlates low vitamin D levels with increased labor pain. Really! https://www.dona.org/does-vitamin-d-deficiency-increase-labor-pain/
After having awful HG for the first half of my second pregnancy, I was up very, very late doing online research for remedies I hadn’t already tried when I found out I was pregnant a third time.
I came across one mother’s testimonial somewhere about milk thistle. I took it for the rest of my pregnancies, never got that sick again. There are other potential factors as to why I got so sick (turned out our rental building had mold), but I do believe milk thistle helped and I’ve recommended it. Turns out milk thistle is a natural liver support.
Also, for anyone who might need this: when I was diagnosed with HG, the first thing they turned to was the Zofran that can melt in your mouth. Turned out I was allergic to it! What they gave me that seemed to turn on the breaks enough for my body to recover until I reached 20 weeks (when the baby’s own liver begins to function, which is why I believe most cases of HG resolve by 20 weeks), was Reglan. Just in case there’s any other mama’s who unfortunately discover they are allergic to Zofran!
Thank you for writing about the Pink Stork Cocolaurin. I will keep it in mind along with all the other remedies for friends who might suffer from morning sickness!
I had constant nausea with my first pregnancy, though little vomiting. Same with my second. Then with my third and fourth, I took milk thistle capsules, starting when I discovered I was pregnant (#3) and before conception (#4). I had zero morning sickness with the last two pregnancies! I believe the connection between the liver and morning sickness is huge. Milk thistle is a simple remedy to try that is safe for the baby, and it was so helpful for me, as I had other little kiddos to chase around during those early months!
I feel like I’ve tried all the natural remedies and nothing had helped. My doctor wants me to try Zyrtec the antihistamine but I don’t really feel super comfortable with that because I don’t see anyone in the natural health world recommending it – anyone have experience with taking an antihistamine for morning sickness relief?
I am 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant .
I ate extremely nourishing diet before pregnancy , meat, dairy, eggs. Butter, fruit and veg, oats etc , walked in the sun daily . Had all blood levels tested everything great. Sprayed magnesium spray every night before bed still do AND still have very bad morning sickness right to this day and extreme chronic fatigue. What can I do?
I didn’t know you had HG! I have followed, benefited from your content and enjoyed you for over 12 years (first time mommy learning to be crunchy). Currently in second surprise HG pregnancy. Thanks for article. Liquid phosphorus and hemaplex iron has made a huge difference too. Keep doing all the fabulous stuff you do! ❤️
Hi Laina, I haven’t experienced HG but I did pass along some advice that an HG mama shared with me in this article. So glad you have found something that helped!