My Mom Can’t Carry A Tune In A Bucket
She didn’t have freshly baked cookies and a cold glass of milk waiting when I got home from school, and she never remembered picture day.

But my mom is the best mom ever.
And Her Love Language Is . . . Poultry
You know that time you were sixteen and – in the middle of an argument with your mother – you felt yourself drifting helplessly from the warmth and light that had meant “mama” all your years? I do. Frustrated and exhausted, I walked away.
A few minutes later a . . . chicken . . . peered around the doorway. Have you ever tried to be mad at a person who has shoved their fist into a raw chicken and refuses to answer questions unless you direct them TO THE CHICKEN? It is impossible, people. End of fight.
And Then There Was The Time . . .
I woke up from a tryptophan induced coma only to find that my mom had sent the Thanksgiving leftovers home with our guests. When I informed her that eating leftovers for days is the BEST PART she bought another turkey and we did the whole nine yards. Again.
And THAT is why in the spirit of the Poultry Whisperer from whom I am descended, I am NOT giving up holiday foods without a fight! GAPS or no GAPS, there will be yummy cookies! And turkey! And PIE . . . or at least a porridge that tastes exactly like pie. Enjoy!
Pumpkin Pie Porridge {GAPS, Paleo & Primal}
- ice cream scoop
- baking dish
- 1 small pie pumpkin
- 1½ cups coconut milk (or make your own coconut milk – dried coconut version / fresh coconut version)
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- ¼ tsp ground cloves
- 1 tsp sea salt
- ½ cup raw honey
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- Cut pumpkin in half and scoop out seeds. I've found that an ice cream scoop works well for this.
- Don't throw the seeds away! Check out this recipe for toasted pumpkin seeds with chile and lime from Jenny at Nourished Kitchen. They are my fave GAPS-friendly movie snack!
- Place pumpkin halves cut side down in a baking dish and add 1/4 inch water.
- Remove from the oven when you can easily pierce the shell with a fork (about 45 minutes – 1 hour)
- Scoop out the flesh and place in a food processor or blender. Puree until smooth, adding some of the coconut milk if necessary to thin it out enough to blend.
- When the puree is ready, add the rest of the coconut milk, honey and spices.
- Blend until smooth. This soup can be served chilled or warm.
- Enjoy!
- Come back and leave a comment telling me how much you liked it!
That sounds SO good! I will definitely try this! My husband and I are (mostly) on the Primal diet and he made a pumpkin pie for me the other day using ground nuts and coconut oil for a crust! It was mushy, but perfect, and the edges burnt to perfection. If you would like to know exactly how to do that I will have to get his recipe 🙂 I will let you know what we think when I make this! Thanks!
Uh, YES! I would definitely like that recipe, please!
When I was dealing with major digestive issues and food sensitivities I made something like this for my rotation diet but called it pumpkin pudding. It was my favorite day 🙂 I used canned pumpkin and molasses instead of honey. It was awesome, and the baby loved it, too. We still eat it occasionally even though we don’t have to; it’s just that good!
Pudding is probably a better description . . . wish I’d thought of that. Bought six pie pumpkins today just to make more Yum!
I want to be like your mom when I grow up.
Hooray! I’m so glad you’re not giving up on yummy holiday food! 🙂 Though we aren’t on any particular diet right now, I DO try to feed my family as healthfully as possible, so any recipes you share will be treasured and tried. Thanks! Can’t wait to give this one a shot!
It’s yummy for your prego tummy, Kirsten. Eat up!! 🙂
Me, too <3
Heather! I just discovered your blog and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it! I am really enjoying reading through your archives. You have so much helpful information! I am looking through your recipes right now!
Hey there! I stopped by your blog and love what you’re about! My hubs was the one who decided we’d go Paleo/GAPS, too! Go figure 🙂
OH MY GOODNESS! I just made this and it is fantastic! I actually found a small pumpkin in my yard. Like when teens throw their jack-o-lanterns from a car? I’m not even sure it is a pie pumpkin but it was small and round and perfect. I had just read your recipe the day before and figured why not? Only 1/2 my pumpkin would fit into my blender, then I needed all 1.5 c of coconut milk to thin it enough for blending. I sorta have a soup rather than pudding (but I told the kids it was pudding). So maybe my pumpkin to sweet and spice ratio may be a bit high. But it is Soooooo GOOD!!! Thank you.
That is so funny, Renee! I actually thought about suggesting that people make this with leftover decorative pumpkins but got caught up in my poultry memoir. So glad you liked it!
DE.LIC.OUS! More pumpkin recipes please 🙂
Yummy! I just made this except I added 4 pastured eggs and baked it at 375 for about 45 minutes. It was like custard! So good with some chopped crispy pecans on top. Mmmm, fresh raw whipped cream would have been so good with it, too!
That sounds delish. Think I’ll use this idea with the homemade marshmallows for a GAPS friendly holiday meal
To make it into a pie filling (as an excuse to eat graham cracker crust) what do you think about using coconut butter instead of coconut milk in about the same quantity???
Just wanted to add, I made this into a pie the other day by just adding 4 eggs, pouring it into a crust, and baking it at 350 for about an hour. My hubby said it was the best pumpkin pie he’s ever had, and his brother, who doesn’t even like pumpkin pie, loved it! Score! 🙂
I have made this before but came across your version when searching for the previous recipe. My recipe queries have led me here a lot because of GAPS. 😉 I liked that your Porridge/Pudding had coconut milk in it since we are not doing milk right now! I LOVE eating this stuff for breakfast. 😉 I also added 4 eggs to add protien and fill our tummies which made it very custard like. Thanks!
Ohhhh, adding eggs for a protein rich breakfast is a brilliant idea. Thanks for the inspiration, Julie!
I am in hysterics! The photo day photo is classic, not to mention the amazing antics a mother will come up with to end an argument with her beloved daughter. I have 4 young daughters of my own, so I look forward to the day that I, too, am stuffing my hand up any nearby poultry should my daughters even think remotely as you or I did when they are teenagers… 😉
PS The recipe looks yum, too! Unfortunately for me, pumpkin has been unavailable the past few weeks from my organic grocer here in Australia… looking forward to having them back soon! 🙂
So glad you got a laugh out of it, Sheridan! I just pulled up this recipe last week because pumpkins are finally in season here and said to myself “WHAT was I thinking posting that!!!’
I’m looking forward to using the chicken argument diffuser with my daughter, too! 😉
We made this yesterday and it was so yummy! I cooked the pumpkin in the crock pot instead of the oven.
Yay! So glad to hear that, Liz!
Oh yum! I really want to try this but no pumpkins to be found as of yet…I do however have frozen pumpkin from last year…anyone know how much meat you get from a small pumpkin? Thank you for an awesome website!
It varies a lot . . . this recipe is very forgiving so feel free to use what you have!
I have made chickens dance for my children but never thought of making them answer questions. It made for a VERY floppy roasted chicken but was worth every laugh. With a soon to be 12 year old I know I am going to need a sense of humor in the years to come. Thank you for sharing your mom’s quirkiness and delight. GAPS begins for our family on June 2. I am looking forward to and dreading the challenge. On the bright side many of the foods on full GAPS are well recieved by our family. Intro…I have a feeling we will all be thrilled to see that finished!
Sounds real good and easy. Will make it soon.
I don’t usually like pumpkins, but this is just pure awesomeness!! I tried it today, out of curiosity really, and I loved it! I omitted the ginger and cloves, and I’ve put a teaspoon of coconut oil for an extra consitency. Delicious! THANK YOU, Heather, for sharing it! (now I will go on browsing the rest of the blog, which is really inspiring and rich in information!)
So glad you liked it, Norica!