You see before you the starting point of Mommypotamus.com – a children’s book I love to read to our daughter. In the book, a socially hesitant potamus (for we all know by now how many varied forms of potami there truly are) sees everybody playing and doing cool stuff together, but she is always hanging back. I won’t spoil the ending for you, but it’s a real tearjerker.
With most of Katie’s stories I get bored and accidentally use the wrong voice for the wrong characters halfway through. But not with this one. I so obviously enjoy it each time we read this book that Daniel started calling me Mommypotamus. It stuck, because in a lot of ways the book is about me.
I experienced loss early in my life, and as a result I became a very timid, cautious person. Being fearful took a huge toll on my health, as did my total ignorance of what healthy food really was (at the time I thought that meant Grape Nuts with half a cup of sugar poured over the top). By my early twenties my body was failing. I was rail-thin and could not gain weight, my abdomen hurt constantly, and I had severe-acid reflux and green, oozing acne. I began hearing phrases like “features of an unspecified autoimmune disorder” and was told not to get pregnant because I was not capable of carrying a baby to term.
I was alive, but I wasn’t living. I was sick of being sick, or so I thought. After seeing doctors, quacks and I don’t-even-know-what-to-call-them, I came to a very strange conclusion: Being sick had a payoff for me.
Being sickly got me attention. Being afraid to get out there and take chances didn’t. I wanted people, relationships and opportunities to come to me without me having to take any risks. But in choosing to be a “hanger-backer” I had slowly evolved into the girl in the plastic bubble.
At the perfect time I met a fabulous doctor (a PhD, not an M.D.) who used a modified version of acupuncture to help me recover. The timing was perfect, as I said, because I was ready to be well. It worked. For the first year I lived in daily amazement of the almost deafening silence of my body. Without pain coursing through me every minute of every day things looked so very different. I rushed headlong into life, sucking in every possible experience.
I used to be alive without living. Now I have said “yes” to life: All the good stuff with pain and disappointment mixed in. All of it. Now, when people pay attention to me (and they sometimes do!), I want it to be because I have something loving, funny, or helpful to say. I want to live my life so loudly that people can’t help but take notice. Not in the “spotlight-hog” kind of way, just in the plain ole “everybody has something worth saying” way.
For those of you that have read the book, it is for this reason that with all my heart I cry:
I am printing this and putting it on the fridge. Beautiful, brave and inspirational.
Thank you, Melanie. I really can’t put into words what your response means to me.
Daniel told me a little bit about the history of the name, but failed to mention all of this. Defiantly a defining story. This is definitely one to bookmark for later use.
That’s a good way to put it, Richard. There are a lot of defining stories in our lives. Most of the early ones are about what happens to us, but the later ones are about what happens within us. I like the later ones better.
Thank you for your inspiring story!! ?
Such an inspiring backstory to this entire blog, and I can relate to quite a bit of it. The last line made me cry. YES, the Mommypotamus… thank you for putting yourself out there and for encouraging us… to stretch the analogy further, I guess you could say I’m the armadillo. 😛 I’ve watched the other potami figure it out and for some reason I’m still so fearful. But this: “There are a lot of defining stories in our lives. Most of the early ones are about what happens to us, but the later ones are about what happens within us. I like the later ones better.” I’m printing that out for my fridge. I need to focus on what’s happening in here, not what could happen out there.
The instructions on how to clean a top load washing machine were helpful. However I do not do the washing myself and would like to have the ìnstructions in Hindi or Marathi which my attendant would understand. Could you please send me the instructions both in English and Marathi? Thanks.
we just read that the night before last. i LOVE sandra boynton books… i really should just go find and buy them all! riley and i like to use different foreign accents each time we read it, just to add to the fun. i never really thought that deeply into the theme that you’ve drawn out of it, so thanks for opening my eyes! “but YES!….” is julia’s favorite part and she always chimes in with excitement.
I love her books, too. In fact, I’m not sure I don’t like them more than Katie does!
Can you use Hyularonic acid with org beeswax for a lip balm? If you can do you know if it safe or not?
Just curious.
Thank you,
Okay! totally going to be getting that book on Amazon. What an amazing post Heather. Great job!
I absolutely love your info that you offer me & everyone else about a pure healthy safe products to eat use clean etc. I have learned so much where as a person seeking truth about everything in this life that we can make simple changes to live a healthy life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks, Destiny. I am SO glad you’re back!
Wow, that’s amazing! I’m SO glad your my sister-in-law. 🙂
It has and continues to be a joy to get to know you, Heather. One would never know what you have been through. When I look at my own life, I wonder if this pain thing is an attention getter. It sure doesn’t feel like it. Have a great day, and give everyone a hug.
Cheri, I hope my post doesn’t imply that I believe everyone struggling with an illness has the same issues I did. This was definitely a personal journey for me. I’m continuing to pray for resolution to your back pain.
Thank you for sharing your journey! I don’t have experience with laser-acupuncture…but I see similar cases in my acupuncture/herbal clinic all the time. We always have the ability to choose our perception of whatever circumstance we are in, which I believe is a first step in true healing and true power. Also, the interconnectedness of our emotions and our health. Fear, anger, joy (yes-hyperactive joy), grief and worry are the five main contibutors to many discomforts according to Chinese medicine. Just as it is important to treat disease with the appropriate medicine, to heal we must consider our emotions and spirit as much as our physical bodies. Acupuncture certainly played an enormous part in my own path and I’m happy to hear it was for you as well. You go, mommypotamus!
Erin, I’m so glad you brought up how interconnected our emotions and bodies are. A few months ago I sat sobbing in my chiropractor’s office, scared that I had lost our baby. The chiro is a close friend and he treated me for emotions using an acupressure technique (I think). It immediately calmed me and I was able to go forward with more clarity. It was an amazing experience.
What an amazing post! So inspirational! I look forward to reading your blog and getting to know more about you.
Are you a graduate of Landmark Education? I just ask because the way you talk in your post has the vibe of someone who has gone through Landmark. (www.landmarkeducation.com)
In either case, remarkable story and I’m glad I found your blog today. I’ll be spending a lot more time here!
Hi Heather, I found your blog today looking for Standard Process cleanse recipes. I am ecstatic – firstly because your recipes are amazing and I have only been eating plain salad, roasted veggies and plain chicken! – and secondly, because your writing is inspiring and exciting. I used to blog and put time and effort into it as a means of finding myself and examining my feelings/experiences, but I have let it go. I am excited to subscribe to your feed and keep reading!
God Bless,
Marybeth – Wow, I get tons of hits for those cleanse recipes (I am actually working on some better ones for an ebook right now . . . chutneys, relishes, coconut lime soups, oh my!) but almost no one that reads those posts sticks around. So thanks, it’s great to meet you!!
Hi Heather, I found you while looking for BPA-free tomato paste, and something kept your page up on my computer for several days. I am so glad I started poking around! I believe God is teaching me how to feed my family right now, and the changes will be very difficult but definitely worth it! I will consider you a source of inspiration while I learn.
I have lots of questions. Stem cell recipient that can use any info or knowledge with foods, etc. My son has to get platelets 3x a week. I don’t want to take away from our medical advice and I know you cannot provide doctor care but I some times there are hidden tidbits of knowledge that may stir research.
Hello! I’m enjoying looking through your site and I’m especially interested in the Standard Process cleanse recipes, as I’m just starting the process today. However, I can’t seem to access the recipes, and many of them looked quite tasty when I managed to get a glance, so I am quite interested!
Would you happen to have all of them somewhere and are they still accessible?
Thank you,
Neither link works. 🙁
Funny, all this time and I never actually knew the story behind the Mommypotamus. Love it. Let me take this moment to say, you are an absolutely beautiful person, and I’ve kind of been in awe of you since we first met. A continuing trend. I’m *often* amazed by you.
Um, you made me cry. I felt the same way about you when we first met . . . and still do.
Lovely! Thank you for sharing!
I own a few Sandra Boynton books, but not this one, heading to the library Monday (hopefully) to get it. I clicked on a link from http://www.healthforgenerations.com and found you. I am eager to continue clicking around and soaking up all the knowledge. Thanks for sharing your story a little and convicting me a lot!
So glad you stopped by, Iris! Thanks for your comment!
What a beautiful story! I am so glad you made the choice to *want* to be well AND that you are sharing it with us! I am new to your blog, but I love all everything about it already… keep it up! 🙂
Thank you, Tracy! And welcome!!
Hi there Heather! I just found your blog because I was “googling” some “primal” (aka grain free) recipes for thanksgiving! I just LOVE this post and can TOTALLY relate! I myself suffer from digestive disorders and mysterious pains and a “sick” part of me DOES receive some sort of validation from “being sick”. It’s as if my mind says “see – I really DON”T feel good – feel sorry for me, blah blah blah”. And while I DO NOT at all enjoy feeling that way – I can see how subconsciously holding on to that “validation” can prevent me from getting well. I like when you said you like getting attention now for having something loving or funny to say and living life OUT LOUD! LOVE IT! I am inspired 🙂 Thank you for sharing and I am happy to have found your lovely blog. Happy Turkey Day!! xoxo
Hi Jenny, so wonderful to “meet” you! I hope you feel welcome here and I look forward to seeing you around. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so glad I found your site. Not only because I’m about to be a mommy again and due to PPD I missed out on being a new mom with our first so this is all “new” for me… but also because I have always been a lover and collector of hippos. I have never heard of this book but it sounds like my son and I would both relate to the hippo. I’m gonna head out and pick up this book today! Thanks! And I look forward to browsing through your blog.
So nice to meet you, Jeannette! Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope you love the book!
Would love to talk with you more about the fabulous doctor, if it would be alright with you. I’m not really sure how to email you here but I will mosey over to Facebook and send you a message. I have been living in a plastic bubble, my house, since December 2010 and I need help.
I’ll share as much as I remember, but unfortunately he’s retired now and though he tried no one was able to learn his technique 🙁
I was sitting in the park tonight watching my kids thinking “I can’t go on like this. After three kids I still have 25 pounds to lose, I hurt everywhere and I feel like “I just can’t do it”. Thankfully I am just starting now to heal my body and have read Nourishing Traditions. I’m halfway through Deep Nutrition and just need a boost to actually implement all my new found knowledge. I felt so wonderful reading that you used to be a junk food junkie and now you are so healthy, it made it all seem possible to me!
I’m so glad my story encouraged you, Jessica!
Reading your story brought me to tears. Sometimes when “life” really hits you you feel like you want to stop living. What you wrote about accepting life with all of the ups and downs is finally where I am at. I agree, especially with you saying: “God knows what He is doing. He knew that if my body were healed it would do nothing for my sick soul.” Oh how I understand that. I am so grateful you wrote this cause it’s so easy for us to feel like we are alone in our suffering but it’s like Gods word says “You have been put to no test but such as is common to man” we all suffer. I finally realized after almost being at the brink of death that I want to pass this test with flying colors and since 2008 I have been on my road to health. I’m not 100% (yet 😉 but I am on my way. I WANT to be well 🙂 AND I’m saying yes to life! God bless you!
Somewhere in your website I saw “coconut kefir ” can you inform me about how to make it please ?
thank y you .
Josefina from Spain
Hi I really enjoyed reading about you. Yes it does help to not be blindsided that other people experience young life unfortunate circumstances that change them forever. I lost my Mom at 15 and am 32 now and the older I get feel like my bubble gets tougher to get out of. I want to open up and be the person I was before the great loss of my Mom. I am going to really try hard for I am the Mom now, a friend told me not long ago. I never thought of it in that way. Will love to purchase this book to share with myself and children! Thank you! This was a great New Year’s Day insight.
Wow! Your story brought tears to my eyes. What a gift you are. I recently bought your two ebooks, have read them both, and have learned a ton. ( I didn’t eve know it was possible to make one’s own shampoo!) Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your story. You are making the world a better place.
Faith Ballesteros
South Padre Island, TX
Hi Heather!
I just found your blog, and love your inspiration/journey to natural healing – I, too, discovered my physical ailments were all wrapped Up in my mental and emotional state…I wrote about it here on my blog if you care to read!
I’ll definitely be linking to some of your posts if that’s ok?
Love and light~
Actually it’s this post, sorry: http://raisingbabesnaturally.blogspot.com/2012/04/my-story-part-2.html?m=1
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but just read this post for the first time, and now I like you even more. My absolute favorite book to read to my kids is “But Not the Hippopotamus” too! And yet I had never connected the dots with your name. So great. Thank you for all the hard work you do, your writing is a blessing!
Awww, that’s awesome! Micah is at the age where he loves Sandra Boynton so we are enjoying her books all over again!
I knew we were kindrid spirits when I saw the book, which is a favorite around our house. Reading the post made it even better. Thank you for the post and your blog. I look forward to delving in. 🙂
I just discovered your site a few days ago and it has been life changing! You’re writing is brilliant, funny, honest, and such a blessing! This story really resonates with me as I find myself in much the same boat you once were and I’m ready to heal! Thank you for being so brave and sharing so that so many others may benefit from your experiences. You are truly an inspiration and an amazing woman! Thank you for this blog and all your hard work – you are a true gift form God <3
Thanks for putting yourself ‘out there’ Heather! I came across your website today and i am enjoying it very much (all the way from Australia).Looking forward to trying out some of your recipes. Warm regards, Liz
Inspirational. I can relate to the shyness and needing to step out of
my comfort zone. Even more so that I am a new mom. Thank You for sharing your story. 🙂
Hello Heather,
I am new to your blog, sent through a friend of a friend of a friend through the Facebook spiderweb. While I have enjoyed your posts and blogs, this one was by far the most moving. I sit in my couch teary at the moment having read it and having seen my life in your words. I want to say yes to my life and my health. I want to “suck in new experiences” instead of dreaming and some-day-ing. Jesus asked is the man wanted to get better… Had I realized this fact before…. But let’s not regret. I want to get better now. Thank you for your courage and truth. Thank you for being obedient in opening yourself up so that others may be inspired. Because I am inspired. Thank you.
I’ve been following you for a while but hadn’t read this until now. Just wanted to say I love your blog and how you got the name. I love your story. Bless you and your family.
It is so nice to read real stories, with real feelings, and real trials about real, down-to-earth, people. So many of us want to sweep those hard times under a rug and forget about them, but they are part of what makes us who we are. They help to build our character. Thank you for sharing this post. It’s beautiful and gives hope.
WOW. Nice to read from someone else in the Christian world! Thanks!
This is one of our very favorite books, and now I’m looking at it in a whole new light. I’m so glad you’ve found a new way to live! ♥
What type of essential oils do you use in your cleaning recipes and are they different from the beauty recipes?
Thank you
Hi Heather, my daughter grow up with a girl who has a few kids but has become very tired and run down after this last one. Is there any advise you could post to help her get her energy back? Thanks, Kathy
I love it! That is one of my family’s FAVORITE books! Our copy from when our daughter was a baby is so “loved” it is in pieces. It is a wonderful book, and your story is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your thought with us all!
Hello . . . I was looking at some of your diy ebooks (Cleaning and Beauty) . . can you please tell me where you purchase your supplies?
Thank you . . .. .
Hi Tammie, I list some of my sources in the books 🙂
Hi Heather,
Thank you so much for posting this. I too, have an autoimmune disorder and was told I couldn’t get pregnant, but I did twice (well 4 times, if you count the two miscarries). But my research for healthy foods and to vaccine or not to vaccine came after I became a mother. I won’t bore you with all the details, I put my kids on the GAPS diet and so far so good. It’s mostly trial and error so I am really glad I found your blog!
Good luck and happy cooking! 🙂
Hi Heather,
I’ve just recently come across your site and awesome recipes.
I have an question about the recipe “orange vanilla dream lip balm”
At one point the instructions say to mix in the cocoa powder, but there isn’t
any cocoa powder listed in the ingredients. Should there be?
I’m very excited to start making and using these awesome products.
Oops! No, that’s a typo. I wrote all the instructions for the balms in one go and must have added it into the wrong recipe by mistake. Sorry about that!
Hi Heather,
I just bought your eBook a few days ago, and I even asked you about the lip balm accidentally saying to add cocoa powder. My problem is that I have no idea how to get back into my ebook. The email link will no longer let me in. I thought I had in my ebook app, but it’s not here. Any chance I could get you to send me another link so I can download it to my desktop instead?
[email protected]
Stacy Donahue
Hi Stacy, it sounds like you were opening the book as a link rather than downloading it. If you’ll forward your Paypal receipt to my assistant Amanda at [email protected] she’ll get you a new download link 🙂
Hi Heather,
A friend recommended your blog to me last night and I am absolutely loving it so far! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge, time, and passion. It’s very inspirational in so many ways! I just have to tell you that when I clicked on “What is a Mommypotamus,” my jaw literally dropped. I have been reading “But Not the Hippopotamus” to my kids since my son was born three years ago. It is one of my absolute favorites. I suffer from some generalized anxieties and the first time I read this seemingly silly, simple book, I could not believe how much I related to the painfully hesitant Hippo. I relished in the ending, imagining myself frolicking freely, leaving all those exaggerated fears and crushing self doubt far behind. And similar to what you have done, I thought about how one day, I would be like the hippo diving headfirst into life and would use the book to help others (all those “armadillos”) understand the anxieties I once felt and the freedom that can be.
Obviously, I was meant to follow your blog and be inspired at a new level by Boynton’s hippo! Thanks so much for shouting, “Hey! Come join the lot of us!” I’m looking forward to all that’s to come.
Hi Corrinn, I seriously cannot wipe the smile off my face after reading your comment – you so perfectly describe how I felt when I first read the book. So glad you are here!
I just have to tell you what happened this week!
I’ve been following your blog for 2-3 months now (I love your outlook and posts!) and I’ve read your blurb on the book where you pulled your name from. I had NEVER heard of or seen that book anywhere before in my life!
Last Thursday, my son and I went on our biweekly trip to the library. He’s allowed a big bag of books since we only go biweekly (long drive). Normally I pick out most of them and he will pick out a few. The ONLY book he picked out this time? But Not the Hippopotomus! Oh my! All I could do was laugh! We’ve read it a bajillion times now.
I just wanted to share this happy coincidence with you, for it made me smile!
Ha, that’s great! Clearly he has good taste in books 🙂
HI, is it possible to over soak needs before driving them out and roasting them.I soaked some pumpkin seeds and sunflowers for about 32 hrs on a heated buffet tray to keep them warm.When I went to rinse them they had a cheesy smell.I still dried them out and just roasted them.There is a slight cheesy smell did they ferment or go bad when they were soaking.
Hi Michelle, I am not sure what the cheesy smell might indicate but yes, I do think it might be possible to soak them too long.
Hi Heather,
I just came across your site looking for some natural diaper cream solutions. So, your hair is beautiful! Do you use natural products? And what kind of hair do you have (curly, straight…) Thanks! -k
Thank you, Kelley! I make my own products at home, and I share many of the recipes I use in this ebook 🙂 https://mommypotamus.com/lp/order-diy-beauty-ebook/
I know so many have already shared similar notes with you, but I would like to add my voice to theirs. Thank you for sharing your beautiful mommypotamus story. I love you with out even meeting you as I hear and feel so deeply your story. I’m so happy you’re thriving, sharing your passion, and teaching all of us.
May God shower you with His radiant love and light! [big smile from me]
Hi I made your detergent and all my cotton clothes seem to be “pilling”. I put in very little. How can I make it less strong
Hi Payal, you could try using even less. I’m sorry that’s been your experience. I’ve been using the recipe for years now and have not noticed any pilling 🙁
Hello! I have just discovered your blog, via the Wellness Family Summit, and I am very excited I found it. I love that you are now living in Tennessee, I live just south of Nashville myself. I do wonder where you purchase most of the ingredients you use? Do you go to Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, etc or do you shop online?
Thank you!!
Hi Jennifer! We buy most of our food at the Franklin Farmer’s Market and the rest online or at Whole Foods 🙂
Thank you for this information. I love Whole Foods in Franklin!
If you’re up for article suggestions- my friends and I would love to see an article about post partum hair loss. We’ve all experienced this from about month 3 post partum to month 10. We’re considering shaving our heads bald after birth so we don’t have to deal with the icky hair falling out everywhere. Is this something you’ve experienced?? Any tips??
Thanks, Chloe
Ps: no need to reply via comment- I’ll just keep my eyes open for an article. 🙂
Has Heather covered this topic?? I’d be really interested in reading about it. Since having my two babies (march 2012 and Nov 2013) my hair seems to be falling out a lot more. I’ve been no poo now for 7 months now and it’s been an emotional road to say the least but I’ve persevered because I know it’s better than the alternative shop bought stuff. Maybe I need to get my nourishing traditions book out again and re-evaluate my food. who knows!
I’d love to understand this too. I didn’t lose hair until after my 4th baby and never felt like it was a good sign. That’s about when my health started declining. I had 8 children and lost hair after the last 5 (never stopped after the last~3yo). I am recovering but had thyroid problems and wonder if that was it all along. I think over the years I’ve been both hyper- and hypothyroid. In college, a professor told us it was normal to lose hair postpartum, just part of the normal cycle of growing and losing hair. It gets really thick while pg and then you lose it. Doesn’t sound right. My guess is it has something to do with the thyroid.
Hello, first, I am a faithful follower of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of my soul. He has brought me from death to life. And I am so thankful to the Author of life itself for His grace and mercy. I came across you website today prayerfully asking The Lord to lead me to finding the info on vitamins I need and read your testimony and want to praise God and let you know I am praying for you throughout you life. God bless you!
Can you mix licorice root tea and Ashwaganda tea or st least have a cup of each in a day? Sorry new at this and I love the Lord
hi Heather
i saw an article on the amber beads and the baby in the ad looks just like my son. is he your kid? please do respond to me via email.
regards Michelle 🙂
Hi Amber, do you mean the photo in this article? https://mommypotamus.com/baltic-amber-teething-necklace-fake/
If so, yes it is my son. 🙂
wow… that is amazing, yes my boy looks almost exactly like him..my son is 18 months old now.
I purchased your book DIY Organic Beauty. I can’t find it on my computer. Is there a way I can download it for my iPad? Thanks.
Hi Audra, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll get you a new download 🙂
Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.I love you with out even meeting you as I hear and feel so deeply your story. I’m so happy you’re thriving, sharing your passion, and teaching everyone. Keep up your good work… its really helpful.
May god shower his blessing on you and your family
Thank you, Farmina!
Heather, I’ve been following you for years and I thought I knew the story behind Mommypotamus, but now knowing that its based off of MY favorite children’s book, makes me know that finding and trusting you was meant to be 🙂 I loved Sandra Boynton’s Three Singing Pigs when I was a nanny, and bought all her books for my own children years later, discovering But Not the Hippopotamus. So awesome 🙂 Thank you for doing everything that you do, I pretty much quote you on every issue, and when I need to figure out how to do something, I always google search the issue + mommypotamus hahaha!
Heather, is there an common measurement to determine the micron size of various vitamins for maximum absorption. How can I tell the difference between brand A and brand B by looking at the nutritional panel.
I am asking because very often we listen to the sales person advise.
I hope you can enlighten me.
Hi Nicky, I don’t consider micron size when evaluating a supplement. I look for a supplement derived from natural ingredients rather than produced synthetically. Based on my research, I believe that factor plays the highest role in whether or not a supplement will be well-absorbed and used.
I am ready to order the DYI non toxic cleaning recipes but would like to know how it will be sent to me..will it come via an email or what?
Heather, what do you think about the products from the Honest company?
I was wondering what brand essential oil you would recommend and why.
hi, my wife is 20 weeks pregnant and at the scan, they told us she is low on the fluid around the baby. structurally the baby is fine from what they can see, heart beat is fine, blood circulation is fine but the fluid level is around 5. they have told us to come back for a scan in 2 weeks but they didn’t suggest any of the things I’ve found online. will stevia help? will drinking lots of water help? what about epsom salt baths? please help as we are extremely worried.
Hi Heather! I’ve been receiving your emails and absolutely love them! I currently 18 weeks pregnant with my second child and unfortunately I’ve been having lots of Braxton hicks already. This comes as no surprise as I started contracting at 28 weeks with my first and ended up on bed rest because these contractions were causing cervical changes. I’ve started using the magnesium oil you recommended but was wondering if there was any other recommendations you could give me regarding preterm labor? I’m going to make and start drinking your labor aid. Would those trace minerals be ok during this period of pregnancy? Any tips are much appreciated. I don’t know why my body revolts against being pregnant.
I was researching Diatomaceous Earth and someone commented on Amazon that you have a terrific guide to all the uses for it. I am having a difficult time finding it and there is no search option on your site (I may be blind. Lol) If you get some time, could you let me know where I can find it?
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Tiffeny, here’s a link to the post: https://mommypotamus.com/uses-diatomaceous-earth/
I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question, but I’m having a hard time finding out how to contact you with a question about the cleaner PDF I just bought and downloaded. ….. I’m a bit confused about the Tea Tree & Clove All–Purpose Sanitizer. There is only one recipe listed but you talk about TWO steps. Can you please clarify what is in each bottle for each step. I am an amateur chef with an autoimmune disorder and cleaning and disinfection of my workspace is KEY to keeping my disease from flaring. Thank you!!
Hi! Great bone broth info. Just curious in reading your health story did your Dr perform total body modification or NAET on you? Was wondering if that was the different type of acupuncture?
I tried NAET, but did not see substantial results with it. The approach my practitioner used was different 🙂
Hi Heather!
Love, love, LOVE your website. I am going to order your ebook on beauty recipes, but before I do, I was wondering if you had more recipes for men. I have a several men in my life (that didn’t sound right but you know what I mean-family members!) that would love more beard balm, oil, shave oil, aftershave, beard shampoo, whatever men need for their daily care that is often ignored.
Hi Beth, there are recipes in the book that men will find useful, but none that are specially formulated for them 🙂
Could you help me create some? Like tweak recipes or give me input?
Hi Heather!
I love your blog and recently read your book about Nourished Baby! I wanted to start my 6month old on goats milk along with breastfeeding her.. What do you think? I know in your book talks about no dairy but I heard that goats milk is very similar to breast milk… Hope to hear from you!
Hi Nelly, I’m not sure based on your comment whether you mean to say that you would like to continue breastfeeding as much as before and introduce goat milk as an additional component, or if you mean you would like to decrease breast milk feedings and supplement with goat milk. Though goat milk is used alongside other ingredients in some homemade baby formulas, it is generally agreed that it is not nutritionally sufficient on it’s own for babies (unless they’re adorable goat babies). If you are considering providing goat milk in place of breast milk, I suggest you consult with a lactation consultant or other qualified individual before making the transition. My personal approach would be to focus on other foods as baby shows interest: stewed meats, bone broth, etc.
hello heather. i just discovered your blog and i am happy about the articles you have posted. i am a grandmother of eight who is much concerned about the health of the children.
i still need to find out where i can buy many of the non-toxic materials you recommend. i live in Paranque, Philippines and most of your recommended ingredients are nor sourced easily here. but i will ask around. i hope “But not the hippopotamus” is among the children’s books i have.
thank you for your very informative articles. maria
Hi Heather! I love reading your blog and found your shopping list last night. Was just wondering if it is up to date and do you still use all of these supplements and ideas? I am wanting to try a vitamin K and your suggestion looks like a good one. Also curious about the vitamin c supplement. Would love to hear from you! Thank you!
Heather, Thanks for all the info on your site. God has me changing a lot in my home to make it better. When I came on you site, I thought it was a joke. Gods timing is just like that always on time. I have six babies I keep and it is changing their families as well. I don’t like to buy on line, that is my big fear. Can I get your book some other way? I want to free up my home from all the crape the world has been pushing for years. You are that ticket for me to do it the right way. Your drive is amazing and the love to make it available for others is beyond words.
Thank you,
I love this Heather! Thanks for sharing your story and shedding light on where Mommypotamus came from. 🙂 I bought your cleaning and personal care recipe eBooks about a year ago and I have absolutely LOVED them. We have thrown out all of our conventional cleaners and use only your recipes. I always recommend your eBooks in my blog posts.
I think you’re amazing and beautiful and such an inspiration. Your new blog design is amazing by the way! It’s very clean, easy to navigate, and looks like a great way to convert your readers to subscribers.
Keep up the great work! I love your blog.
Hi Heather. I’d love to chat about an interview/article that I think would be perfect for your site!
Hi! I’ve searched your site for your email, which it appears you would like to be private. However, I’m trying to arrange a product swap amongst those of us who have blogs or websites promoting all natural and/or DIY skin care. If you’d like to take part, email me at [email protected]. My name is Stephanie Cloud Seery and my company is Cloud Nine Foods & Sundries. I make jelly and jam, as well as soaps and a few health and beauty items.
I started with your coconut oil shampoo bars so I owe it all to you! Thanks so much for giving me the confidence to make such amazing products! I hope you participate in our swap!
We were a homeschooling family, and I was Mommyrat – with my significant other being Daddyrat. First born was Wiggle Worm, second was Street Rat because of her obsession with the star in Alladin, and youngest was Schmooglepus. Our family bed was known as “the pouch” Everybody has grown up, graduated from college but our nicknames come back at odd times to make us smile or cringe sometimes. Somehow the second was sending important emails that read something like, “Street Rat says…” Our pet names define us – and it is kind of sad when we outlive that definition – the names bring back the essence of all the emotional memories from that time in our life.
I really appreciate your willingness and ability to share an amazing point of view with your readers. I have learned so much over the past year and follow you, Wellness Mama, and Mama Natural regularly. Thank you so much for everything you do!
This beautiful post brought me to tears Heather. I am a few months shy of 30, chronically ill since I was 25. At 26 my parents moved in with me so my mother could become my caregiver essentially on my really bad days. In the beginning doctors dismissed me thinking I was young, couldn’t possibly feel this poorly and must only want drugs, when all I wanted was answers. Doctors flat out told me they had to put me into a category, even they didn’t have answers, for insurance billing purposes. I was labeled M79.1 otherwise known as Myalgia or unspecified pain. Others easily labeled me with Fibromyalgia, since it was easiest and didn’t require any “digging” for answers. Finally I was diagnosed with several rare genetic conditions as well as with: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Dysautonomia, Mast Cell Activation Disorder, idiopathic Neuropathy (non-diabetic) and so on. I have lived, practically, my entire 20’s going drom doctor to doctor to specialist to homeopathic therapists and doctors. My mother has been my biggest cheer leader through every up and down along the way and she has always encouraged me to never stop fighting. To not just accept that I am “sick.” Together we work everyday to help me get healthier from the inside out. Using food, herbs, oils for healing. Reducing the number of toxins around us in any way we can. YOU have helped us SO SO much in living a natural and holistic lifestyle. All your recipes, stories, recommendations- I cannot tell you how much of a blessing you are. I am so happy you are well and never gave up fighting. This is your calling and trust me, you get a lot of attention, but now it is in all the best ways- for how intelligent, caring, funny, reliable and resourceful you are. Your story is an inspiration to me and so many others. Thank you for sharing this personal story of struggle and triumph. I cannot wait until I can share mine, and I will be able to include mommypotamus as someone who encouraged me in my journey without ever even knowing it- until now! Many thanks and much love Heather.
Tara Jean
So glad I came across mommypotamus. Our dandelions are almost in full bloom and so glad I refuse to spray cause I’m so excited to try your salve recipe! Thanks for shining your light for others to see. You are blessings lives!
Hi Mommypotamus…. that’s the cutest name I’ve ever heard for a loving n doting mom ..like u …ur blog explains …u deserve it …ur post reminded me of how I suffered…almost the same ..u have come such a long way Heather…I can’t explain what strength I felt by reading ur blog…thank u so much …I just stumbled to ur blog while searching for himalyan salt therapy…but it was all for good…n I ended up downloading ur book …which made me come back n write my feelings…the book is as awesome as you…thank u once again….n keep writing such wonderful books n blogs…warm regards
Hi Heather,
Like everyone, I am also a big fan of you and your blog.
I wanted to know if I can be an affiliate for the books you create.
I love all your content and would love to share it with my readers.
I would be grateful if you could let me become one of your advocate for the great products you create.
Thanks so much.
Thank you for being brave and loving …all rolled up into one…your inspiration shines in so many beautiful ways ☀️
What a lovely, clear, honest article. Thank you for your smarts and the real intelligence (if it’s not connected with the heart, then it’s not the real thing, from all I’ve seen…”intelliigent” maybe but not intelligent enough..) . Ye Gods, how good it is to be living in the generations that look inwards for truth and speak it simply, understand and receive the importance of that way of speaking to ourselves and loving each other really..
Chapeau bas, hats (of which I have many!) off to you, and thank again for your commmunications and work here, shared with us..
(from another one who thought Grapenuts with half a cup of sugar was what ‘healthy food’ meant, way back when..!)
Sweet dreamings,
I read your story above, at least as bes my poor brain could concentrate to read it. Unfortunately It;s been more of a scan (tho my scan was pretty close to a read). And I’ve tried reading it before.
I still have no idea what a potamus is. I’ve never even seen the book you refer to, must less read it. I’m beginning to think you have to have read the book (or at least part of it) to understand what a Potamus is.
Whatever,,,, I do very much like your blog, and follow you thru emails. I learn a lot from you. (Unfortunately I forget much of what I learn. Some would say I didn’t lear it. ) But I do enjoy your blog! Thank you for all your research, and for sharing with us! Currently, I’m looking at the DIY deodorant recipies. I love the healing recipes using natural ingredients!
Great to find Mommypotamus and all her useful fun fact-filled wisdom.
I love the Berkey too and will probably get one soon for the great weirdness we’re going more deeply into. Don’t you just love it. I almost bought a Pure Water Distiller which is an excellent purifier. But I didn’t really have the finance for that and a generator that could manage it.
And then there’s John Ellis Water which is distilling water hundreds of times per bottle and is restoring people’s health too. It’s quite amazing and would be lovely to have ultimately.
But I also like that the Berkey is non electric. And sweet looking. And very effective. And great for road trips. So now I can stop buying distilled water gallons!! Omigosh! I do save the bottles and have refilled them in case the power goes out. But I have enough!
Haha the times we live in.
I’ll be enjoying your home-made recipes etc MPotamus. Glad your in my mix.💞 encyclopaedic magpie
Thank You so much for knowing this with us.
I love yo make soap.