Pumpkin Spice Custard With Marrow Infusion

Heather Dessinger

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Pumpkin Spice Custard With Marrow Infusion

Spiced with cinnamon, clove and ginger, this pumpkin custard is the fall edition of our beloved marrow custard, a deeply satisfying staple in our home. Rich and subtly sweet, this dish contains immune supporting marrow, wholesome fats, and high quality protein.

If you love pumpkin pie but are looking for something a little different this year, grab a spoon, a cup of chai, and give this recipe a whirl. Gorgeous view of changing leaves swirling in the wind optional but recommended. 🙂

Pumpkin Spice Custard With Marrow Infusion
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Pumpkin Spice Custard With Marrow Infusion

Course Dessert
Calories 0kcal
Author Mommypotamus



  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Cut -pumpkin in half and scoop out seeds.
  • Place pumpkin halves cut side down in a baking dish and add 1/4 inch water. Remove from the oven when you can easily pierce the shell with a fork (about 45 minutes – 1 hour)
  • While the pumpkin is baking, bring marrow bones to a boil and let simmer for 10 minutes. When the marrow is ready, scoop the bones out with a slotted spoon and place in a bowl to drain. After they’ve cooled a bit use a butter knife to extract the marrow. Place it in a small bowl.
  • Spoon marrow – but not the oil that has collected at the bottom of the bowl – in with the eggs, milk/coconut milk, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, salt and honey. Puree until smooth.
  • When the pumpkin is cooked through, scoop out the flesh and add it to the egg mixture. Blend until smooth.
  • Place mixture in ramekins or a large oven-safe dish and bake at 375. Custard placed in small ramekins should be ready in about 35-45 minutes. Large casserole dishes take about 45-minutes to an hour. Watch carefully and remove when it is set in the center.
  • Serve with whipped cream if desired.


Calories: 0kcal | Carbohydrates: 0g | Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 0mg | Potassium: 0mg | Fiber: 0g | Sugar: 0g | Vitamin A: 0IU | Vitamin C: 0mg | Calcium: 0mg | Iron: 0mg

More Delicious Pumpkin Goodness

  • Easy Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal With Vanilla Glaze – Infused with warming spices, sweetened with pure maple syrup, and drizzled with vanilla glaze, this baked pumpkin oatmeal is easy to make and so satisfying.
  • Pumpkin Spice Latte – Pumpkin is basically the official flavor of fall, and who are we to argue with that? This recipe is one of my favorite ways to enjoy it.
  • Pumpkin Spice Granola – If you miss breakfast cereal, this easy granola is delicious with milk, almond milk, or oat milk. It also makes a great on-the-go snack.

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Heather is a holistic health educator, herbalist, DIYer, Lyme and mold warrior. Since founding Mommypotamus.com in 2009, Heather has been taking complicated health research and making it easy to understand. She shares tested natural recipes and herbal remedies with millions of naturally minded mamas around the world. 

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30 thoughts on “Pumpkin Spice Custard With Marrow Infusion”

    • Whoops! Thanks for catching that, Sunny! I’ve corrected it but I’m leaving the comment to remind me how awesome my readers are 🙂

  1. Hi there! I really enjoy reading your blog. I was wondering if the little bookmark thingy could be moved though. It is hard to read with it in the way. I’ve tried “liking” and such but it doesn’t go away when I do. Maybe putting it on the right side of the page? Thanks for sharing all of the great information that you have discovered:)

    • Hi Christa! It should be on the far left side out of the way, so it sounds like it’s not playing nice with the browser/phone you’re using. Can you tell me what you’re viewing it on so I can troubleshoot?

        • Hi Lexy! Do you have the browser minimized or resized on your screen? Or maybe you are using an older version? I really, REALLY want to fix this for you! I actually took it down for awhile but got so many complaints from folk who liked having it there that I put it back up!

          • I’ve been having the same problem for a while now! I’m using Firefox also, and usually am running the latest version. Hope someone can figure it out!

          • I’m using firefox and got it to finally go into the margins by maximizing my screen – otherwise it is in the way.

  2. I loved your Sweet Bone Marrow Custard recipe you shared on Nourished Kitchen. That was my first time using bone marrow! I can’t wait to make this variation… it sounds perfect for fall.

  3. HiHi! How do you do the marrow thing? what kinds of bones and then you just scoop out the inside after boiled? I’ve never considered eating marrow but know the dogs loves it!!!!

  4. Ok sounds simple but what are beef marrow bones? Do you buy them specially? All we eat is steak so i dont know what kind of beef i would need to buy! Sorry for the stupid question!

  5. Marrow bones are usually the long bones.. think femur bones. or if you make osso bucco thats marrow in the bone of the roast. you can ask your butcher for “Marrow” bones as opposed to knuckle bones which have a lot more yummy cartilage for thick gelatinous broth. But when in doubt look for femur bones. Hope that helps. My kids love the marrow straight from the oven after I roast the bones for making broth.

  6. Hey Jana, Lexy, and Christa… Are you using Firefox on a laptop screen? If so, do you have your browser window open to the full width of the screen? I’ve only seen the social sharing buttons overlap when someone shrinks the size of their browser window to less than 3/4 the width of their normal laptop screen.

    If that doesn’t apply, do you use a square shaped computer monitor, by any chance?

  7. Ok.. just finished my second piece. Delicious! My one year old is grabbing for the plate. Daddy and 3 year old are sleeping and will have to try it in the morning. I am sure they will love it. YUM Yum. Now to coach our chickens to start laying more!

    • Thank you for this comment, Leah! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to know that kids are going to grow up loving bone marrow because their mamas found creative ways to introduce it. 🙂

  8. Just pulled my pumpkin out of the oven! So excited to finish making this. Just wanted to say that I was unsure of where to find marrow bones, so I asked the farmers we usually buy pork/chicken from at a local farmers market (we buy bulk beef elsewhere). It turns out they, and other local farmers, sell meatless marrow-filled bones as “dog bones” for about fifty cents a pound. Though the bones are perfectly fine for human consumption, the farmers consider them just a by product, so we got them pretty cheap. So if anyone is uncertain where to get extra marrow bones, this may be a good place to start!

  9. Hello! Can the bone barrow be omitted or are there any substitutes? I fully intended on making this WITH the bone marrow, but I have everything else to make it right now! 🙂 thank you!

  10. Do you have a measurement for how much flesh the pumpkin should yield? Because realistically, I’ll probably be using boxed pumpkin puree 🙂
