18 Uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Heather Dessinger

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Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Uses

So, the other day I was talking to a friend about this homemade deodorant for sensitive skin, and she wondered aloud if she really needed to buy “a whole bag of this diatomaceous earth stuff just to make deodorant.”


Clearly I have failed as a friend, because you guys, this stuff is awesome. It helps support detoxification, rid your pets and home of critters, keep your garden healthy, and you can even use it in your beauty routine. I’ll tell you how in this post, but first you might be wondering…

What is food grade diatomaceous earth, anyway?

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a fine powder made from diatoms, a type of fossilized phytoplankton. It looks like Rice Chex under a microscope, only in cylindrical form. Weird, right?

DE is unique in composition – it’s about 80-90% pure silica (also known as silicon dioxide), with other minerals making up the remaining 10-20%.

It’s exceptional in another way, too – it carries a strong negative ionic charge(1) This study suggests it helps to reduce internal parasites in chickens, and many experts believe this is due to its negative charge and cylindrical shape. The thinking behind this is that positively charged bacteria and parasites (plus some viruses) may be attracted to it like magnets are attracted to one another. Because of its shape, the pathogens get trapped in the center and carried out of the body.

There are two main forms of diatomaceous earth:

  • Food grade diatomaceous earth (amorphous silica) – In order to qualify as food grade, the silica in DE needs to be 99% amorphous silica with less than 1% crystalline silica.
  • Filter grade/ pool grade diatomaceous earth (crystalline silica) – Manufacturers expose amorphous silica to extremely high temperatures (over 1832 degrees Fahrenheit), which changes the structure of the silica into a crystalline form. Filter grade silica is valuable for many industrial purposes, such as removing heavy metals from water, but is not considered safe to be inhaled or ingested. (2) (3) Another DE in this category is anything formulated with additional ingredients for pest control.

Is food grade diatomaceous earth safe for human consumption?

Yes. Diatomaceous earth was consumed by humans in a study we’ll discuss below, where it was found to have possible benefits for lipid metabolism. Also, it is Generally Regarded as Safe (G.R.A.S.) by the FDA, and is used to filter wine/beer.

How is diatomaceous earth different from bentonite clay?

If you’ve been around for awhile you know that I use clay for everything from washing my hair to making soap. Clay is incredibly versatile and can sometimes be used interchangeably with diatomaceous earth, but the two powders are different. Bentonite clay typically comes from volcanic ash deposits, while diatomaceous earth is a powder made from the fossilized remains of phytoplankton.

Because it is made up of tiny, hard phytoplankton, DE works well as a gentle abrasive. It attaches to the protective waxy outer coating/exoskeleton of pests and dehydrates or scrapes it away, causing them to dry out and die. Likewise, it can be used to mechanically remove stains from teeth or slough off dry, dead skin. I have found it to be slightly more effective in controlling odor in my homemade deodorant than clay, though I have used clay with success.

Bentonite and other clays such as rhassoul work primarily by absorbing (drawing within the clay) and adsorbing (drawing to the outside of the clay) different impurities, which makes it ideal for gentle applications. LIke diatomaceous earth it can also help to remove stains and whiten teeth, but it does so by drawing stains out rather than removing them physically. So as you can see, there’s a lot of crossover in terms of benefits, but they are not quite the same.

There are many uses for diatomaceous earth. It can nourish hair, skin and nails, rid your pets and home of critters, and keep your garden healthy.

18 Ways To Use Diatomaceous Earth for Health, Home & Garden

There are so many ways to use DE in the home, for skin care, with pets and more. Here are a few of them, with links to recipes to get you started:

1. Detoxification Support

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride M.D., author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome, advocates the internal use of food grade diatomaceous earth for general detoxification support. However, she says that it should not be taken by people who have severe conditions such as Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis. (4)

homemade deodorant recipe sensitive skin

2. Deodorant

Though our primary detox pathways are through the liver, kidneys, colon and lymph system, our skin and lungs also assist with detoxification. We don’t want to block our body’s ability to sweat with antiperspirants, but we can keep things fresh in the underarm area by neutralizing odor.

Diatomaceous earth is great for this. And because it tends not to be quite as alkaline as baking soda – which is commonly used in homemade deodorants – it is often preferred by individuals who have experienced rashes or irritation after application. Here’s my deodorant recipe.

3. Toothpaste

Sprinkle a little DE over your tooth soaptoothpaste, or homemade tooth powder for extra deep cleaning power. Because it is gently abrasive only a little is needed to effectively remove stains, and it should only be used every once in awhile.

4. Facial Scrub & Mask

Because it’s very fine, diatomaceous earth makes a gentle facial exfoliant and mask. In addition to its main component, silica, DE also contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorous and other trace minerals. Since minerals can be absorbed through the skin, this is a wonderful way to complement a mineral-rich diet.

To use: Mix about 1 tablespoon of  diatomaceous earth with water, milk, aloe vera gel or diluted honey to make a thick paste. Using your fingertips, lightly massage  the paste onto your face using small, circular motions. Allow the paste to set for 1-2 minutes, then gently remove with a warm washcloth using small, circular motions. This last stage is when most of the exfoliation occurs. Follow with toner (if you use it) and a moisturizer like tallow balm or my hydrating skin repair serum recipe.

Special note: Avoid using this scrub near the eyes or on chapped skin.

5. Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels

This study suggests that diatomaceous earth may be beneficial for lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels. Who knew?

6. Food Storage

DE is added to grains and legumes such as wheat, maize, beans and barley to prevent spoilage. It keeps food dry, prevents mold, and protects against pests like weevils and beetles.

7. Bed Bugs

The FDA approved diatomaceous earth for use against bed bugs, fleas. Here is a tutorial for applying it throughout the home.

A couple of notes: First, the product in this tutorial contains 2% synthetic ingredients. Though it is certainly better than some pesticides used to eliminate bed bugs, I personally would go with 100% DE before trying it.

Second, there are a lot of cautions against breathing in diatomaceous earth. While I would definitely use a dust mask to apply using the method in the video, I found a statement over on I Breathe, I’m Hungry years ago that’s been helpful:

I received an email from Larry Smith, the President of Earthworks, who wanted to clear up the misconception about any dangers of inhaling food grade diatomaceous earth – here’s what he wrote:  ‘This is a misunderstanding about food grade DE. There are 2 kinds of DE—food grade and filter grade (used in swimming pool and other filters)   Only the filter grade is dangerous to breathe. The “dangerous” part of DE is the amount of crystalline silica that is in it. Filter grade is 65% crystalline silica while food grade is less than 1/10 of 1%! The world health org. has said that diatomaceous earth is safe to breathe as long as the crystalline content is under 2%. Food grade is 20X lower than even that level!!’

So no need to be concerned about any danger associated with using DE for pets, bedding, consumption or anything else – as long as it’s FOOD GRADE! “

8. Home & Garden Pest Control

Diatomaceous earth can be used indoors to get rid of ants or in the garden to kill slugs, beetles, and other unwanted pests. However, please keep in mind that it should be used wisely, because most bugs are beneficial and we want to preserve their habitats. Check out my beginner’s guide to gardening for info on other natural pest control methods.

9. Flea Infestations

I can’t help but giggle a little when watching this video on how to treat pets for fleas using diatomaceous earth, but it has some very good info . . .

Something to keep in mind is that it’s also important to treat any carpet your pet comes into contact with, plus areas they like to nap in. Here’s how to treat your carpet and home for fleas using DE.

diatomaceous earth flea tick repellent dogs

10. DIY Natural Flea Powder

Speaking of fleas, guess what the main ingredient is in this natural flea powder for dogs and cats? Yep, DE.

If you’d rather make it instead of buy it, here’s my natural tick and flea powder recipe for dogs.

11. Cockroach, Spider, Tick and Earwig Control

Diatomaceous earth is approved for use against all of these home pests. Experts recommend using a hand duster to puff it into cracks and crevices where bugs are likely to hang out.

12. Fridge Deodorizer

Place a small container/box of diatomaceous earth in the fridge or freezer to neutralize odors. Replace it every 1-2 weeks.

13. Garbage Can Deodorizer

Sprinkle in the bottom of the can to help neutralize odors.

14. Stain Remover

Because of its highly absorbent nature, diatomaceous can be sprinkled on oil-stained clothes to help soak up the oil. I like to pair it with this homemade stain remover for stubborn stains.

15. Spill Clean Up

Just like with clothes, diatomaceous earth can help soak up oil stains on carpets, driveways and garage floors.

scouring powder recipe

16. Scouring Powder

It can can be used to make homemade scouring powder for hard surfaces such as sinks, bathtubs and countertops. Something to keep in mind that DE turns brown when wet so it will look like you’re cleaning with dirt. It works beautifully, though, and it’s easy to see where to rinse!

17. Chicken Feed

As mentioned earlier, this study suggests it helps to reduce parasites in chickens. The FDA has approved it for use as an anti-caking agent in commercial livestock feed at a rate of 2% overall weight, so that’s the guideline that many people use. (5) In case you’re wondering what that looks like practically, for 25 pounds of feed you would add 1/2 pound of diatomaceous earth to get the 2% ratio.

18. Lice

Although not my first choice since it can dry out the scalp and hair, too, DE is thought to help with lice by drying out the nits and eggs. Read more about natural remedies for lice here.

Possible Health Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth

Although the silica content in DE is high, opinions vary on bioavailability. Some say that it’s not well-absorbed, while others say that a meaningful amount is bioavailable to the body when taken internally. If the body is able to use absorb and use the silica in DE, here are some additional possible benefits. (More research is needed.)

Collagen Production

Silica, which is a type of silicon, is essential for collagen formation. In one study, animals that were supplemented with a small amount of highly bioavailable silicon had a 12% higher collagen concentration than animals who weren’t. (6)

Hair Thickness & Strength

In this study, supplementing women with a form of silicon (choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid) increased the strength and thickness of their hair.

Strong Nails

Along with gelatin and biotin, silica is essential for building strong, healthy nails.

Strong Teeth and Bones

Silica is essential for the formation of the hard outer enamel that protects our teeth, and according to this PubMed article it is likewise beneficial for overall bone formation and health.

How I Take Food Grade DE Internally

Most people say food grade diatomaceous earth should be taken on an empty stomach. What this means is somewhat vague, but from what I can tell best practices are to take it either:

1. First thing in the morning, then wait 30 minutes to eat


2. Three hours after eating

When I started taking diatomaceous earth, I began with one teaspoon in a tall glass of purified drinking water (8 oz.) and worked my way up to one tablespoon over the course of a week. I schedule breaks from DE (and all other supplements) to give my body a rest. In the case of DE, I prefer to use it for about a month continuously, then I take 1-2 teaspoons once or twice a week after that.

Where To Buy Diatomaceous Earth

When I first learned about food grade DE, I immediately called my local Home Depot and Lowe’s to find out if they had it. It led to a couple of pretty funny conversations with the garden department, but no actual DE.

These days I buy mine online. I like this brand because it’s listed with the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). The OMRI seal ensures that a product is suitable for organic farmers to use, so it’s not necessary for gardeners and people who want to use it internally, externally or around the house. However, I look for the OMRI mention because those sellers have gone through the process of having their DE independently verified for quality.

This one is OMRI listed, too, and comes with a dusting applicator.

Do you have a favorite use for diatomaceous earth? Please share it in the comments!


1. ClearOff Minerals. What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Retrieved from https://www.clearoffminerals.com/de-specs
2. Danil de Namor, AF et. al. (2012) Turning the volume down on heavy metals using tuned diatomite. A review of diatomite and modified diatomite for the extraction of heavy metals from water.. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23062514
3. Blaettler, Karen (2018) Differences Between Fuller’s Earth & Diatomaceous Earth. Retrieved from https://sciencing.com/differences-fullers-earth-diatomaceous-earth-8432515.html
4. GAPS Diet: Natural Digestive Healing. Detoxification. Retrieved from http://www.gapsdiet.com/detoxification.html
5. FDA. Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=573.340
6. Source: Jarrow Formula’s application to FDA for their silicon supplement, BioSil

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Please see my full disclaimer here.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Mariza Snyder, a functional practitioner. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

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Heather is a holistic health educator, herbalist, DIYer, Lyme and mold warrior. Since founding Mommypotamus.com in 2009, Heather has been taking complicated health research and making it easy to understand. She shares tested natural recipes and herbal remedies with millions of naturally minded mamas around the world. 

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341 thoughts on “18 Uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth”

  1. Do you have any idea if this is safe to take internally if you have leaky gut??? We were supplementing with it, hoping to help take care of any bad internal bugs while we heal from leaky gut. Then I read something that made me think maybe we were doing more harm than good? … is it possible it’d be scratching up our insides as we’re trying to heal and soothe them? I’d love to keep using it, but I haven’t been able to find a clear answer on this.

      • Leaky gut is also from mercury poisoning of amalgams (swallowing saliva). Mercury causes tiny holes in the lining by eating away the fats in the cell walls. DE (or clay) will attach to mercury (and other heavy metals) and eliminate them.

        • I have recently been reading about it and there is a cure . It’s called mutula tea or something like that. Check it out the testimonials of using this product.

          • Kombucha (fermented sweet tea, the sugar is digested by the bacteria/yeast before you drink it) is helpful for healing ulcers. A forgiving fermented food to make – you can make mistakes or not take care of it, and it’ll still turn out okay in the end.

            “One of the most commonly claimed benefits of kombucha is improved digestion, while for others it calms diarrhea. Many sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption of food, acid reflux, and ulcers have found kombucha helpful. Acid reflux affects an estimated 60 percent of the adult population in the United States.
            “Kombucha’s antimicrobial properties have been well studied and have been shown to kill H. pylori, the bacteria that cause ulcers, on contact.
            “According to a study by D. Banerjee et al. (2010), kombucha was found to be as effective as omeprazole (the generic form of Prilosec) at healing ulceration and reducing acid reflux. The authors speculate that it could be due to kombucha’s ability to reduce gastric-acid secretions as well as its high antioxidant levels, with black tea kombucha being the most effective.
            “Banerjee, D. [et al]… Comparative healing property of kombucha tea and black tea against indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in mice: possible mechanism of action. Food & Function 1, no. 3 (2010): 284-93.”
            Quote taken from “The Big Book of Kombucha” by Hannah Crum and Alex LaGory 2016 edition

      • For leaky gut I would look into fermented foods for help not DE, although I think DE is great for many uses. People with leaky gut are lacking “good bacteria”. While there is a chance it could be parasites it is more likely with the terrible diet people eat that it could be other things too. Research the good bacteria link for leaky gut. http://www.culturedfoodlife.com/?s=leaky+gut

    • My son told me about Diatomaceous Earth. We’ve been thinking about trying it. I noticed that the product you refer your readers to at amazon is a lot more expensive than this one also at amazon:

      The one you refer is $9.49 for 1 lb. while this product is $21.94 for 10 lbs. (i.e. $2.20/lb) The label on both state it is food grade but they are different brands.

      Is there any quality difference between the two brands?

      I’d prefer to purchase the larger bag to share with my son but would like your opinion; and the opinion of your readers with experience using Diatomaceous Earth.

        • We tried that and changed our mind – it even said it could be mixed with animal feed – after researching and being “obsessed” about making sure we got the right stuff – I discovered what our feed store had wasn’t the right stuff to be using – we decided to go with permaguard fossil flour – direct from the company – less rebagging etc. made us feel like it would be less contaminated. And our feed store product looks nothing at all like the one we do use – I won’t even risk putting it in the animal feed – if I won’t take I won’t give it to them.
          And just a note : lots of detoxing has been going on for us all. ppl forget to research detox symptoms and think they are getting sick – grant it, you want to keep an eye on things but so far our “symptoms” are from detox.( liver detoxed, prostate detoxed, huge lump on dogs chest shrunk, old dog 13 yrs old not so stiff and runs now, it took all he had just to trot before, and needless to say parasites were removed and the list could continue… and we have only took it for 2 months so far)

          • How are you giving it to your dog? My lab is 11 now and he’s starting to slow down… has lumps/bumps, etc. Just curious as to how you feed it to him

          • You are so correct about the tractor supply vs permagaurd. If one is “feeding or ingesting” it should a pure WHITE powder not gray or even slightly tinted. Tractor store was gray in color, good for pesticide but not truly ingestible even though stated food grade.

          • If it’s Red Lakes that’s greyish in color it’s perfectly safe to feed your animals. Calcium Betonite is a natural clay mined with D.E. I have used it for my dogs, cats, horse’s, chickens, duck etc and every single one if them look fantastic with it in their diet. I rarely use chemical wormers (only during high seasons as a boost to rid chances of infestation). My moody critters looked happier, healthier and senior citizen chihuahua moved a lot better.

          • These comments just show how out of touch the human is from reality! The gray diatomaceous earth (red lakes) is perfectly fine for human and animals. I’ve been using it for my animals and myself for more than 20 years. The only difference between food grade and pool filter DE is the way it is processed and the amount of silica it contains.

          • I ordered food grade diatomaceous earth from Swanson’s, Healthy Home brand, and it says NOTE: Not intended for human consumption.

            It wasn’t cheap — and I’m going to put it in my coffee anyway. It’s not pure white — kind of brownish, grayish color.

        • FYI…Always make sure it is a Food Grade even if using it topically….our skin carries what we put on it into our system. ?

        • Farm and Tractor Supply and most feed and pet stores carry DE. Just call and ask if they carry Food Grade (most I have found do) and the sizes and cost. Saves driving around.

      • I use Earthworks. I put it in herbal tea. Yes it’s a bit silty if you don’t stir it here and there, but I just ignore it. I’ve also used it to keep those big, hideous American roaches (water bugs) away from my doors!

        • Water bugs and American roaches. Geez.
          Water bugs will sting It will be unlikely to encounter a water bug other than in a swimming pool, lake or pond, or mud puddle.
          There is no such insect as an American roach. The bug hiding in cool, dark, slightly moist places are Earwigs. They make up the insect order Dermaptera. They are not roaches. They do not bite or sting, but if they feel attacked, they will pinch you. Oooo. Can you take it? The pinch is highly unlikely to break the skin, but if it does, treat it as you would any minor cut.

          • In Colorado on the western slope they have what appears to be a water roach that comes out of drains after rains. It is not an earwig, looks nothing like one. It’s actually a type of beatle. They hang around your doors and porches, rarely coming inside, but they do once in awhile but don’t infest like a common roach. When the rain dries up or by morning, they are gone as quickly and weirdly as they appeared. So never scold someone, you dont know everything.

          • Can this be used to help in relieving psoriasis symptoms at all?When I lived in NC years ago someone told me about his Aunt having it so bad her hands and feet would Crack and bleed.He told me about something she finally got at a feed store in 50 lb.bags that she would put in glass of water once a day and he said it cleared her skin up remarkably….but for the life of me I can’t remember what he said the product was?

      • You can purchase food grade DE at a hydroponics place in your area for about $70.00 for 50 lbs. That’s what I do. It will keep for yrs in a dry dark and we’ll sealed area.

      • I pick up 50 lbs of food grade diatomaceous earth at my local Farm Supply. It costs $25.00..SLO, Ca. area. I put it in my coffee every morning w/ coconut oil, cinnamon & tumeric and of course some cream or coconut milk. I also put it in baked goods, use as a thickener, add it to watery sauces, gravy, spaghetti, mac & cheese, etc. Works good on carpets & furniture to kill fleas although I like Borax better cause there’s not so much dust when you sweep or vacuum.

        • 5 stars
          Jamie ! Since you have been using this for the past 5 or more years what differences have you seen in your body ?

      • Does anyone know anything about Red Lake DE with Calcium Bentonite? I have just moved and went, as I always have, to a farm and tractor store to get my DE FOOD GRADE, paid for it and it was taken to the car. Once I got it home I see it has calcium bentonite added, and is listed as FOOD CHEMICAL CODEX GRADE. The company ABSORBENT PRODUCTS in B.C. Canada is the producer of Red Lake an so far have not been able to reach them. I don’t want to open this up and start using it if the Calcium bentonite counter acts the purpose of DE.

      • they purchase it most likely from the same providers and slap their name on it. As long as it’s Food Grade your fine.

    • Hello, I have the same question as you, did you find out for sure if it is okay to take with a leaky gut? Thank you, Becky

      • This is a really good question. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of studies on DE. If the action of DE is mechanical, meaning it dries up the pathogen in question, then it would stand that the mechanical action would also dry up good bacteria. But I’ve also heard that since it’s negatively charged, it only destroys bad bacteria. It seems more logical that the shredding/drying/absorbing action of DE would wipe out good and bad bacteria… to be on the safe side I supplement with probiotics about 6 hours before or after taking DE.

        • Our family has had a lot of gut and other health issues and have done the GAPS diet for 5 1/2 years. Many issues improved, but some big ones still remain. We used DE daily for quite some time, usually in sauerkraut juice before breakfast. We’ve also tried a number of probiotics, usually taken at the end of breakfast. Jigsaw and Dr. Ohirra’s probiotics made the most obvious difference for us, but we didn’t use Ohirra’s long because of cost. We haven’t been using DE really recently, but when we began working with a functional medicine practitioner recently, we did quite a bit of testing. Our tests showed no parasites and good levels of probiotics in our systems. Hope this helps!

      • there is no proof it is safe to use at all .. it hasnt been researched .. just a couple of short term rat studies really .. we dont know if it builds up in the body or damages the gut with its sharp edges .. not enough is known yet I’m afraid.

        • Hi!
          Do you give DE to your children? If so, how much? I think our family has a parasite problem and I’ve heard the parasite tests are very inaccurate. Can I use DE with my children ages 10, 9, 7, 4 and 2?

  2. I have never thought of these uses before! Thanks. We put it in our hen house for our hens to “bathe” in. But I never thought of using it on my self.

      • I use this on my hens food but you do need to be careful of amount, it has a dehydrating effect and is how it kills insects. With that said I use only pure white, no gray coloring at all. You can look up more information on exact amounts by researching feeding DE to hens. It may mention inhaling is harmful but this is if it has a very high silica particulate but most of the pure white has a very low ratio, just to be safe don’t inhale or put too much in there coops to make a huge dust because chickens as you probably know are commonly prone to respitory issues. I sprinkle a small amount on their food usually food I have made of oatmeal or brown rice so it is moist and not powdery. Eight hens about a teaspoon each only for about a month cycle. I sprinkle it in their coop floor and nesting area to kill bugs and in with their wood ash dusting bath.

  3. I’d love to know how you get it completely dissolved in water! I tried making gel out of DE but still can’t get rid of the lumps,

    • I find I have to keep stirring my liquid, until I have finished drinking it.
      I do love that there is no flavor…just my juice!!

    • I have recently read that it will only fully dissolve in an oil based liquid as opposed to a water based. I was thinking of mixing it with some olive oil and then taking it.

      • Mine dissolves in filtered tap water in Florida. I measure a heaping T of DE and put it in a container with a lid that screws or snaps on. I shake it well before drinking it. You can take it with you if you need to wait to drink it. I see many benefits including fingernails that I never could grow before, better elimination, and a significant reduction in my liver spot on my right cheek.
        I had a healing crisis that lasted 3 days.

    • There are several types of food grade DE. From lumpy chunks to fine talcum like powder. Feed stores will sell coarser stuff for dogs, chickens, food. Health food shops should stock ones with less than 0.3mm particles the finest grade and more suitable for humans.
      DE is NOTwater soluble so you will never dissolve fully it will be silty. But fine grade particles means it is still good for drinks I think a gel isn’t going to work as it can’t dissolve.

    • R u serious? Put water in a cup, add DE, stir and VOILA! Mind you drink it right away before it settles to the bottom but yeah it’s gravy baby.

    • I have never been able to avoid the grit of it. I mix it with a little water and take it quick as if it’s a shot of liquor and then chase it with my favorite tea.

    • Use honey water and if you frequently have heart burn add a little bit of cider vinegar to it as well. The honey makes it easier to drink.

  4. yep me too,
    I would like to know if it’s safe to have with a leaky gut.

    Also I have some that I had purchased for the garden,
    even though it says food grade, I’m unsure if it’s ok to eat,
    as it is very gritty not a fine powder.

    • I’m sure there are a lot of opinions on whether it’s appropriate for those with leaky gut. I think it’s probably best to weigh the benefits and risks of each individuals situation.

    • If it’s gritty you could try pulverizing it w/a mortar and pestle. If it says it’s food grade I would trust it. It makes sense that for the garden they would package it more gritty than fine so that when it’s spread on the ground it doesn’t disappear into the soil right away.

    • You bought a coarser grade for agricultural stock feed and garden use. not the same as health good store grade.
      For leaky guy my husband uses the very very fine grade stiff feels soft like talcum powder. Only bought online health food shop or health food shop. 1-2 tsp whereas I take 1tbsp he keeps it lower to avoid aggravating gut lining. So far he’s seen great results but I wouldn’t risk taking coarser garden agricultural DE as it would be very abrasive.

      • I have heard it’s helps with breast milk production? Not sure where I saw it but I would totally use it while pregnant or nursing.

      • I know this is a few years ago but I was just wondering how much is safe to take while breastfeeding and how often?(almost 15 months old) I’m trying to detox naturally I also have liver disease and our cats have worms so since I got it for them and I realize that there’s so many other options now I would love to take it myself. I also have bentonite clay but I don’t know anything about taking that internally either. Any insight would be great thank you so much!

  5. I have made your recipes before and loved the deodorants, however I find that sometimes I get these little crystal balls in the deodorant that cause an awful rash on my skin. How do I stop the gritty balls from forming? Thanks!

  6. Since reading this post, I have read online more about diatomaceous earth. I have not been able to find adequate information about how it works. For instance, this article (which talks about the charges of bacteria and antibiotics, not about DE directly) http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/resistance.htm says, “Many antibiotics work because they carry a positive charge that attracts them to negatively charged bacteria cells. The opposite charges allow antibiotics to penetrate and kill bacteria. But by changing their naturally occurring negative charge to positive, some bacteria cells establish a protective ‘coat’ that repels the antibiotic.” I’m so confused now. Antibiotics usually work because they are positively charged, but DE works because it is negatively charged? Do pathogens always have a different charge than beneficial bacteria, allowing the DE to only target pathogens? I wish I could find a better explanation.

  7. Great article thank you . I use it too esp for the crazed attack of teeny ants we get in the hundreds when its drought season here in CA. Put it in a bottle and woosh it on the cracks of the baseboards or where you see them coming in and no more ants. HOWEVER this is indoors. OUTDOORS please BE CAREFUL! I put some out for slugs and saw a beautiful honeybee die before my eyes because she got caught in the DE spray. It also kills the good bugs too! I figure outdoors is theirs indoors is my area now.

  8. I am taking Great Lakes collagen (1-2TBSP) 2x/day… would it be too much to add this also?
    Just received my shipment today and have sprinkled some around buggy areas here in Guam and plan to brush my teeth with it tomorrow. Thanks!

  9. I would warn people to avoid it on pets b/c it’s dangerous to lung health and to use it sparingly around face b/c breathing it in is very bad for your lungs.

    • Hi Amy, as I mentioned in the post “there are a lot of cautions against breathing in DE. While I would definitely use a mask to apply using the method in the video, I found this statement over on I Breathe, I’m Hungry helpful:

      ‘I received an email from Larry Smith, the President of Earthworks, who wanted to clear up the misconception about any dangers of inhaling food grade diatomaceous earth – here’s what he wrote: ‘This is a misunderstanding about food grade DE. There are 2 kinds of DE—food grade and filter grade (used in swimming pool and other filters) Only the filter grade is dangerous to breathe. The “dangerous” part of DE is the amount of crystalline silica that is in it. Filter grade is 65% crystalline silica while food grade is less than 1/10 of 1%! The world health org. has said that diatomaceous earth is safe to breathe as long as the crystalline content is under 2%. Food grade is 20X lower than even that level!!’

      So no need to be concerned about any danger associated with using DE for pets, bedding, consumption or anything else – as long as it’s FOOD GRADE!'”

        • I think it’s always a great idea to question what we think we know so thank you for mentioning this article. Based on what I’ve read from other sources, it’s the crystalline structure of marine-derived DE that’s problematic, but freshwater-derived DE lacks extremely jagged edges that are the point of concern. It’s considered more of a gentle abrasive.

          In addition, there is at least one study which showed that supplementing chicken with DE decreased their parasite load and increased both the number of eggs they produced and the size of the eggs: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21673156

      • food grade still has up to 1% crystaline in .. think how much that is if you re eating a tablespoon a day ! that is a lot of crystaline silica in a very short time .. we have no evidence this is actually safe to ingest for any length of time .. it has not been researched !

        • I know this is a very old post but I can tell you I eat like a cup a day and I am the healthiest I have ever been. I was sickly before but now if I even get a bit sick I am better by the next day. Why a cup. I actually like the taste and texture of it. I use it to brush my teeth and such. But I would surely let all of you know if I got sick or anything.

    • Amy, why so people like you find it necessary to fear-monger, and spout gibberish without any sort evidence to support their accusation? Do you have difficulty reading? Because evidence refuting you’re claim is readily available via Wikipedia, I’m not wasting my time looking a source, google it. Food grade DE is not harmful when inhaled, the DE used in pool filtration is, as it contains crystalline silica at levels 2% or higher. Food grade DE does not, it has around 20 times less crystalline silica than was found to be harmful. Should you shove your head in a bag of it and inhale? Probably not, but if you decide that’s a good idea then you deserve the potential consequences, and the herd does need thinning, so have at it.

      • How rude Joben! Sounds like you’re an agent for de clay. What makes you more qualified to offer an opinion on this product than that girl, Amy. She’s made a valid point. I’ve found the clay good when taken internally, however I decided yest to put down some in my bedroom to ward off any potential bedbugs. I was very careful in using it away from my face, not sticking my head in the bag as you suggested and both myself and my daughter still found the room to be rather hazy with the dust in the air for the rest of the night and I did feel a bit ‘caught up’ in my breathing for a while afterwards so Amy made a very valid point. Pets being treated with de clay will most likely not be wearing masks and can’t exactly say ‘I’m smothering here’. So no need for the attack on a person just offering a word of advice. You were free to take it or leave it.

      • Cease fire, please! There are two issues here: 1. toxins; and 2. particulates. It may not be toxic; however, breathing any particulate matter can be harmful to your lungs. That is why so many nontoxic things become industrial hazards when workers breathe the dust if they don’t wear masks. This is a fantastic article and the info is amazing. This is just a cautionary tale–a reminder that wearing a mask is prudent (as it is ANY time you are working around ANY kind of particulate matter, including household dust).

      • That’s just mean, nasty, and totally uncalled for!! If your reply made you actually feel better about yourself you must be a rude bully!
        Respect is the cornerstone of all our interactions and behaviors. We acknowledge the dignity and worth of one another and stride never to diminish another by our conduct or attitudes.
        I bet if you have a significant other or children they would benefit from reading “The Verbally Abusive Relationship”.

      • Right on.I’m SOOO tired of people terrified of difference and not having the curiosity to look at history as the best example of whether something is harmful or not!

  10. I just ordered some as I have suffered from Candida and read its benifits. I just wanted to know if it tastes gross? Can you mix it with Juice or only water?

    • I have Candida too and been taking DE for a good month. I feel much better and does give you more energy. I have all my animals on it too. I mix mine in my oatmeal, my sons like in their yogurt, pudding or juice.

      • I tried it for the first time this morning. I put 1t in a 1/2 c of my coffee and drank it down. No taste, although my coffee is sweet. You don’t want it to set, mix and drink. it will settle on the bottom. I will continue each morning.

    • I dissolve (as best I can) 1-1/2 to 2 TBS. DE in a 16 oz carton of coconut water and add a little honey or agave. I continually close and shake while I drink the whole carton. If it is mixed frequently, the last drink may have a bit of residue, but it is yummy to the end!!

    • I take 1 T in about 6 oz of orange juice every morning… just keep stirring… I take a few swallows and stir some more 🙂 Only taste the OJ, but there is a “texture” to it…. I’m horribly “picky” but I have no problems with this.

  11. Purchased Red Lake Earth Diatomaceous Earth and Calcium Bentonite, 20 lb. Is this one edible. One comment indicates to grind it in a mortar pestle. Is it the same stuff but just coarser?

  12. DE is mixed best in hot water. Just experimented. Opened my first bag today. Added to top of houseplants. Somethings, like flour, for instance, mixes better in cold water, not hot. Wonder if it will work on fruit flies by applying to hot water then adding to vinegar trap. Wonder if adding DE to mop water if that would help against pest. I poured some DE into a mason jar for household use. I also used a turkey baster to suck out ingredient. Sprayed in cracks and crevices. Wonder if it would be good used in making gelatin, smoothies…. Brain storming.

  13. Just made jello. Mixed DE with the hot water.

    Made no cook pudding with coconut almond milk.
    Mixed in tsp DE.
    Pudding good ~

    Dusted mattresses and pillows, carpet, pets, pet beds, sofa cushions. Added to litter, and looking for new uses.

  14. I already take bentonite clay first thing in the morning with some fiber. Since DE is different from clay, would there be a benefit to taking them side-by-side with my fiber in the morning? Thanks! 🙂

    • if you google DE there is information out there and experiences of people using it. I’m pretty sure I have read about using it with clay but don’t remember any details. They both are beneficial and work in different ways so even if you are not sure about taking together it might work to have a break from the clay and try the DE for a period maybe alternating them so you get the benefits of both.
      Another thing to remember which is pretty important is to keep hydrated with plenty of fluids to ensure smooth bowel movement

  15. The DE I have is quite white and relatively fine. I have used it in the past for my cats for fleas and they also consume it when they groom so it helps rid them of internal parasites.
    You should allow time after taking it before taking medications or supplements just as you would with Activated Charcoal or Psyllium Husk. I find it tasteless and just stir into a small amount of water and take it like a shot.
    I agree that it’s a good idea to take time off from it now and again and I do this with all supplements I take or I alternate with other regimes like I am currently drinking a shot of Aloe Vera juice before bed which seems to be doing a great job of helping rid my body of toxins.
    It’s been quite a while since I took DE so plan to restart soon. It was great for my nails and hair and I even found it quietened my tinnitus which is annoying me again. The only negative I can report is sometimes I got slightly sore after going to the loo so it’s probably a good idea to start on a low dose and see how you go.

  16. Just wondered if you have any recipes you are willing to share? I’m looking for a body lotion that is less greasy than and absorbs better than pure coconut oil and glycerine.
    Also looking for how to make my own shampoo and conditioner?
    I already make my own toothpaste mouth rinse and deodorant.

  17. Great article! I have been trying to decide whether to take DE or Bentonite Clay. You had all the good information on taking DE in one article. Thank You!

  18. I have been taking DE for six months (1 heaping T. with 1 T. apple cider vinegar in the morning, preferably in lemonade, hides the vinegar the best!) I started taking it because I spent 18 months of my life with diarrhea and in misery. I even went so far as to have a colonoscopy with no answers. It wasn’t more than a week after starting it before I noticed a huge difference in my gut health. Pain stopped, and I could eat again.
    What I wasn’t expecting was that my very severe anxiety disorder and insomnia also improved dramatically! What I didn’t know was that parasites emit toxic chemicals that cause anxiety and other symptoms, and perhaps now that they are gone, these symptoms are improved? Maybe I had a silica deficiency? Who knows, I don’t care because whatever it is, it worked for me and I wouldn’t live without it.
    My husband had eczema on his face, and that is gone now too. Great stuff.

  19. Can you tell me if DE contains “arsenic” ? Around the time i started drinking DE, i got a rash on my legs and after reaserching the cause i wonder if i consumed excessive amounts of arsenic.

    • DE food grade is not arsenic. Make sure it says FOOD GRADE. There is another kind of DE use for cleaning swimming pools which is dangerous for consumption / inhalation. Please be careful.

  20. I found this interesting article on DE. If you scroll down there is a section about arsenic, lead etc
    This is a short quote from it:
    ‘Like lead, mercury and other metals, arsenic is toxic when it comes from an inorganic source. However, from an organic source it is an essential micro-mineral needed by the body in minute quantities (The Nutrition Bible, Joan Anderson and Barbara Deskins, 1995). In a recent study where organic arsenic was given to 12 patients with leukemia, 11 went into remission. The treatment apparently stops cancer cells from reproducing and then they self-destruct (New England Journal of Medicine, November 1998).’

  21. While good grade de is not toxic to breathe, it is still important to protect your sinuses from the stuff if you are spreading it around for pest control or whathaveyou. This stuff is super drying and can cause enormous irritation if inhaled. I don’t find that i have a problem with it, but my husband can’t get near it when I’m spreading it around in the chicken coop. I think that first time users should definitely cover their face and nose until they’re familiar with the behavior of this powder and how it affects the individual.

  22. Hi – I have a very real, horriblY resistant case of CANDIDA – I have tried the difficult depriving diets for over 6 months – nearly killed me since you cannot eat any food that is sweet: sugars, fruits, juices, caffeine, breads, white foods, alcohol and sweeteners that are alcohol based, or any food that is reduced to a sugar in the stomach – pretty much everything in the grocery except chicken, fish and lettuce! Preparing meals are a nightmare and outright impossible to prepare for a family. It has been suggested that I try Bentonite Clay or Diatomaceous Earth. Does anyone have ANY information that can help me here.

    • Try DE, it really works. My husband had a bad case, it’s working great for us both. I noticed within a day or so my craving for sugars dropped right off to practically nothing. It’s cheap and natural, may as well give it a try. Add a T. of Braggs apple cider vinegar with it and hit the candida with a double whammy. It tastes best in lemonade (masks vinegar flavor). Also, try eating some coconut oil throughout the day. It’s good in coffee.

    • I love Heather the Mommypotamus and Katie the Wellness Mama and I have recently discovered Lauren at Empowered Sustanence and she has great info on candida overgrowth! Lots of luck to you!!!

    • I recently listened to a talk with Dr. Ray Peat who gave me a whole different viewpoint on candida. I’ll summarize what I understood him to say, but you might want to look him up. He said that depriving your yeast of sugar causes it to spread through your tissues (instead of staying confined in the gut), looking for food. So don’t be afraid of fruit, but rather take things that kill the yeast directly, like raw carrots at every meal. And of course there are many other things that can kill yeast. Because you don’t want that stuff growing through your tissues!

      I also recently read that people taking megadoses of Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 (Thorne has a combo of those two together in dropper form) has given people a lot of relief from candida issues (and toe nail fungus). Like FGDE and clay, it has a huge laundry list of things that it is good for.
      I read about it in a book buy a guy who was using himself as a guinea pig and megadosing himself, reporting his own process and the results other people say they got, and some science tossed in. The book was only 2.99 for the kindle version on Amazon, so I took a chance on it even though it had the word “Miraculous” in it. I think the author was Jeff Bowles. (I don’t have a kindle, but I use the app on phone and desktop…and you can get a sample for free with a lot of kindle books, btw….and check kindle versions of books out of your public library, too).
      Anyway, check out Ray Peat and the D3/K2 connection. Good Luck!

    • Get checked out for diabetes. I had a horrible yeast infection that lasted for 4 years. I went to the doctor for something else, and my blood sugar was over 500! Doctor said that the DIABETES caused the yeast infection.

  23. I have recently had a flea/tick infestation so have just thrown lots of food grade DE around the room. Have saturated the bed in it. It seems to be having some effect, although I have just been bitten. However this is the first night, so hopefully given a few days, it will rid me of all infestation. I don’t have carpets here, just a couple of rugs. I have lathered the chairs in DE, I suppose I need to do the rugs also…..

    Having become chemically sensitive some years back following a chemical treatment for a flea infestation, I need this natural solution to work. I have also ordered some PennyRoyal Oil, and some Neem Oil, so I hope those oils are high quality, and effective.

    I have been reading horror stories about how DE is highly dangerous. Well I am hyper reactive, and have noticed no undue effects. I have it all over my body right now, and the only negative effect is that it dries the skin. My lungs are fine, and I would be the first person to start coughing up blood.

    I notice my DE has a very faint flowery smell. Should DE have this smell, or has my supply absorbed some smell somewhere along the line?

  24. For candida and sugar cravings, Oregano Oil is very effective. I use a high quality brand (name available on request). You don’t need much. 2-3 drops in water. It is very strong. Just swig it down quickly. It will burn a bit. Most important thing is proper quality oil.

  25. HI!
    I am preparing to start taking the D Earth – It was my understanding, although no one has touched on it here, that the shape of the particle cuts the parasite’s outside and kills them. Only in your digestive tract, as the DE does not travel into the organs. I eat Organic, and even though I soak my veggies in water with Lugol’s Iodine, I know the parasites are everywhere….I just keep a protocol of trying new things as they get resistant to certain herbs. But, since the DE affects them mechanically, they can’t get resistant.
    All you with Leaky gut and Candida – get with a naturapath and do exactly what they tell you – in 3 or 4 months I was cleared of candida, parasites (I had a few! LOL) and my blood was so clean! I felt so much better and hopped out of bed in the morning like a teenager. I was 52 and thought I had arthritis, but NO! Just dirty blood. Full of parasite poop! haha Now I’m 62, no meds, a few allergies is all. Don’t get sick. Naturapaths rock! But you do have to change your eating.

    • How bad where your symptoms of candida and what where some of the thing you took to clear of it I believe I’m suffering from candida and maybe leaky gut but have no money for naturopath and doctors are no help! Would appreciate a reply ur lucky ur back in health candida sucks!!!!

    • I have my food grade DE and starting taking it today. I am 46 and don’t feel well and my daughter that is 10 is sick a lot. We both love sweets. should I have my daughter try DE too? I weight 138, my daughter 104 what should our doses be? So when you poop can you tell if is has the parasites in it?

    • Terrel Just: what did you do to clean your blood? I am seeing a naturopath for my diabetes and long term severe stress. I’d be VERY interested in what your naturopathic doctor did to help you and clean your blood.

  26. I strongly disagree about inhaling it. You should never inhale DE food grade. Just like inhaling any powder, (baby powder, powdered makeup) you will suffer the same damage if not more to your lungs inhaling DE. More studies are showing the damaging effects of inhaling anything of substance to your lungs. Lung cancer among non-smokers and non- 2nd hand smokers is up due to inhaling powders and airborne particles. Try to avoid allowing your pets from inhaling it too. They will suffer just as well.

  27. I have really bad breath, have tried everything, nothing seems to work. I have false teeth, so it is not my teeth nor gum disease. Will diatomaceous earth help in any way?

    • PARSLEY. The chlorophyl will do it. That’s why they put it on your dinner plate – to freshen your breath. In high school I suffered nervous anxiety from my home life and it effected my breath. My mother bought me Ends – a box with small chlorophyl tabs. Worked on my breath and my cousins stinky feet – which made his whole room reek in the morning from his shoes at night. You can buy it in liquid form, but it is expensive and fresh works just as well. Chlorophy has great health benefits. Read up on it. Good luck.

  28. Hello,
    the past few days i’ve started using Diatomeceous earth internally to clear from any paracites etc.. but also have Bentonite clay for internal use which i haven’t used yet, and would like to so i can flush out toxins etc. Would you advice to use them both at the same time, or should i wait until i finish with the one, before i start with the clay?
    Many thanks,

    • I have been on DE food grade for 5 yrs. That’s all you need it will get rid of the toxins as well. You will start to notice positive changes almost right away. I take 1 Tablespoon everyday in a glass of chocolate milk or my homemade Coconut milk YUM !

      • Hello Anita, I’m interested in learning more about DE for consumption and can appreciate the length of time you’ve been using it. What have you noticed, positive and negative (if any), by taking it and do you mind sharing which brand you use? Thank you for any information.

  29. I get 50lbs of food grade DE for $30 at my last local feed store. I use it for myself and to worm my chickens. I am also going to check with my veterinarian to see if mixing some with horse grain for fly control in my stable is OK for my horses.

  30. Hello!

    I see that you consider DE to be safe for use while breastfeeding…do you think it’s safe to give a small dose to an infant in her bottle? That way if anything harmful is getting to her, it will help her eliminate it as well? Thanks!

    • Lydia, Do you suspect she has a parasite? I don’t think it would hurt her to do occasionally but DE can be dehydrating and since an infant can’t get their own beverages when they are thirsty I would use with great caution and only if I thought there was a good reason. If I had suspicion that my child had worms or something I might do a round of it (say half a teaspoon per day for a couple days?) but would be sure to increase water intake. A person would have to be very vigilant with hydreation- however DE is just a mineral such as magnesium and calcium, so I can’t imagine it hurting anyone, even a baby. I am not a doctor, and I don’t have any medical training of any kind, only first hand experience with DE with myself and my children (who are over 10 years of age.)

      • Thanks for your input! I don’t want to risk dehydration so I won’t give to her. I was actually wondering because of the way it carries heavy metals out of your body. I started taking it a couple weeks ago and haven’t noticed any changes in my daughter, but then I read that because of breastmilk’s high fat content, it attracts the heavy metals being eliminated from your body and carries them to your baby (the article was on environmental pollutants, autism, etc). I feel like maybe I should discontinue use, but I haven’t noticed anything wrong, and I feel so alert and full of energy since I’ve been taking it, I hate to stop! But her health is obviously most important! Just wondering if anyone else had any opinions on this.

  31. What’s your opinion on using DE to treat pinworms? I am currently nursing my three month old. Is there any evidence that it’s ok to use DE while nursing? I’m not comfortable taking the medicine the pediatrician prescribed to my 7 yr old. Thanks!

  32. Hi, i started using DE about 3 months ago. I was originally looking for something for pre menopausal night sweats and DE popped up. After reading the long list of health benefits we decided to try it. The very first day of taking it i had no night sweats – i have no idea if this is down to DE or not, but i was suffering about 10 sweats a night, waking up soaking wet and cold and these had been going on for 18 months. Now i get maybe 3 a week. I also noticed within days that my nails were harder, within 10 days they were long and i was having to cut them – especially my toe nails. My husband started noticing the same. I now have long strong nails, my hair has stopped falling out when i wash it – i used to lose about the size of a mouse at every wash. I have eyebrows for the first time ever and my eyelashes look false they are so long. My husbands hair has stopped going grey and many people have asked him if he has started dying it. I got my mom some and she has been taking it for about 2 months now, she is 89 and her hair had gone thin, but now its getting a lot thicker but not only that, shes getting black hair back! she was completely white on top but now she has a black streak through the front of her hair. I laugh every time i see it because its so hard to believe. I love the taste of it, i take 2 tbs daily in a pint of water, to me it makes the water taste like fresh spring water, full of minerals, before its filtered. Anyway, i hope this helps someone. 🙂 xx

  33. Stumbled across your site looking for completely something else. I too like to make a lot of items I use daily. This will be a great addition to my ingredients. Great info and uses, thank you!

  34. How to detoxify and improve your digestion and other helpful hints. — Adapted from David Pittman’s 10/7/99 writings.

    Start with 1 level tsp. in 8 oz. water before breakfast. Then take another 1 tsp. in water before going to bed.
    Warm distilled water is best, but any water will work. Gradually increase your dosage of food-grade DE up to 3 level T. per day. I sometimes forget in the morning and may add it in my oatmeal or juice later. Anyway, I try to
    consume 3 T. per day one way or another. Try to do this for 4 months. After this I recommend 1 level tsp. in your favorite drink at least once a day as maintenance.

    I have read a lot of articles about the benefits of silica for humans. Older people and chronically diseased people are almost always low on silica. People just do not have enough silica in their diets! Believing this to be true, I try daily to drink 1 qt. food-grade DE water in addition to 3 level tsp. food-grade powder added to my food or drink. To make food-grade DE water, add ½ tsp. food-grade DE to 1 qt. distilled water and bring to a boil; then stir for about 3 minutes. You must use distilled water because it dissolves better. Do not boil the water in aluminum pans and do not microwave food-grade DE. Some silica may still settle out, but if that happens, just stir or shake it. The whole purpose is to dissolve the silica in distilled water so as to increase the bio-availability of silica for absorption into the blood stream. I then drink it like a hot tea or cool it and fill my water bottle with this solution. I try to drink it throughout the day and not all at once.
    I call silica the mineral of light because it absorbs heat and stores light energy. Silica will absorb this energy until it becomes a negative charged ion; then it releases electrons and repeats this cycle over and over again.
    Numerous studies show how electrons neutralize free radicals and bacteria. My research also indicates silica is a critical mineral essential for the body’s electrical system to function properly. Silica electrically stimulates collagen formation and chemically makes collagen strong and flexible.
    Based on the history of this product, I recommend giving food-grade DE powder to all pets. Small animals can drink from unclean water from time to time, so I would add at least a teaspoon to their food on a continual basis. I use it as a mouthwash and add to my flour and grains as a preservative.

  35. I am hoping someone will respond to my comment; I purchased a 40lb bag of food grade Diatomaceous Earth with Bentonite clay from Rural King. Is this ok for human consumption?

  36. After the 5’+ of snow we had in Boston, the ants returned this spring with a vengeance I haven’t seen in 8yrs. There were 100s of the little tiny ones in my apartment… little trials of them, convoys, conventions, everything.
    About 4hrs after I started spreading DE -not food grade- around, the trails started disappearing & 2 days later I might have seen a lone ant maybe twice a day at most.

    DE works nicely but DON’T breathe the dust. A little won’t kill you or even make you sick but don’t let it get beyond that.

    • Here is the comment Heather made regarding your question, I ran onto it while reading:

      November 29, 2014 at 7:39 am
      After researching it I personally feel very comfortable taking it while breastfeeding. I am currently nursing m 12 month old

      • So I was told about DE and since I had been taking the same product for years to control gut bacterial growth for a condition called Diverticulosis I thought I would take a break from my old remedy and give DE a try. I also take magnesium citrate everyday so with out thinking I continued on my dose of that. Since DE has magnesium as well and the side effect of to much magnesium is diarreha on day four of the DE I ended up with the trots. When I got off the throne and went to flush I looked down and what did I see floating on the water but a white worm about an inch and a half long and about a cm in diameter. I researched after I got over my shock and found out that many veternarians use DE in animals to control worms and parasites. It said that a 60 to 90 day run will ensure that all of the parasites and their eggs have been eliminated. Needless to say after I saw that ugly little guy floating on the water I am doing a 90 day run. I have no idea if it is the DE that caused me to expel the worm or if it would have been there anyway but I’m not taking any chances.

  37. “The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has listed DE as highly toxic to honey bees”

    As small farmer and bee keepers we no longer use DE. It is not as natural and safe as one would think.


  38. An unreferenced quote in the-chicken-chick.com article states that if the DE is sharp and affects parasites, then it is cutting the gut lining as well. Does anyone have any clarifying information on this issue?

    • Do you have a hard exoskeleton like an insect? Yes? Then you should be worried about DE. The rest of us don’t so DE is no problem for us.

  39. I have been taking DE for 1 week at 1 teaspoon morning 1 teaspoon evening. The Liver spots on my hands have faded, The rough sore patch of skin which I have had for 7 years is going and I tried loads of Dr drugs, The eczema on my elbows and knuckles is going away. Now this may be down to drinking water 2 times a day but either way I will carry on taking the DE. I do not belong to any DE websites or shops just a 59 year old man telling how it is.

    • I have a similar concern. I heard the DE will attach to nutrients and flush them out. That’s why you take it on an empty stomach anyone know if this is true?

    • I have that same question. Can I mix the DE with Apple Cider Vinegar and water and drink them both at the same time, as in together? Thanks Jonesy 🙂

      • If you read some of the first comments a couple people had said it is actually really good for candida and leaky gut. The make it into a lemonade to kind of nuetralize the taste of the braggs vinegar. If you need to sweeten it remember only use sweet leaf stevia. It is the only one I know of that does not cut it with dextrose or other fillers it is pure stevia. I have been researching for myself and all the horrible symptoms I deal with every day and I just got my bag last night off amazon. I can’t wait to try the mixture along with my candida free diet and start recording my results. I have suffered for so many years and so many doctors telling my I am a hypochondriac or take this pill or that pill but not really look any further into all my symptoms. I feel confident about this… Good luck to all of you as well.

  40. Someone mentioned that this would be good for my toddler, who I’m thinking may have gotten some parasites while camping. What do you think?

    • Jeanna,

      I would think a little bit may help. One thing I know is safe for sure, and is effective some parasite (not all), is garlic. It may be difficult to get your toddler to eat garlic straight but maybe you can dice it up and put it in some applesauce or something that would mask the garlic taste. Also, apple cider vinegar helps somewhat with parasite elimination.

        • They clearly explained the difference between pure organic, and ones that contain 2% crystaline silica, so your article is a moot point dear.

          • Please provide an explanation of organic as you’re using it here. I don’t know any definition of organic that applies to day atamaceous earth.

          • Organic: 1. of, relating to, or derived from living matter.
            “organic soils”

            In other words, DE that doesn’t contain silica, which
            is NOT an organic substance.

        • as long as its less than %2 percent its fine to breathe and the food grade is 20 times less than that.. read please…geezzzzz

        • There is are different grades of DE….the dangereous kind is Pool Filter grade. Food grade DE may irritate your lungs but will not cause cancer.
          The difference here lies in the way that each type of DE is treated. Pool Grade DE is calcined, meaning that is treated with very high heat. This turns the silicon dioxide that is present in the DE into crystalline silica. Pool Grade diatomaceous earth, and most other calcined DE products, contain high concentrations of crystalline silica. In fact, some can range from 60 – 70% crystalline silica.

          Crystalline silica is very dangerous and can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. For this reason, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should NOT be used for any purpose other than filtration.

          Most Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) diatomaceous earth products, on the other hand, are not calcined and are composed largely of amorphous silica. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals.

        • I was under the understanding as long as its the food grade and has less than 2% crystalline breathing it in does not matter. I heard good for several health concerns and brain cancer cure?

    • It wasn’t dangerous to inHale for us. I use the duster spray which causes the de to form clouds and then settles everywhere. I kept a vigilant watch on my kid day and night and my pets as well. We are all okay. I did reduced spraying after a month when my son complained that it was bothering him. (I may have went overboard spraying every two days.) I now use it mostly in our juice and meals and spray only my bedroom and bathroom to keep fresh. I feel more alert and healthy. I use it as a deodorant and brush my teeth with it. I love using it!!!

  41. I have been mixing about 1/2 teaspoons of DE with water or coffee or whatever once a day. DE has GREATLY helped eradicate my body of mites!
    Thank God for DE

  42. Hey I want to thank you for your very in depth research. I appreciate it, while i make new products for my friends and family. And that you are making sure with your disclaimers that people aren’t mislead. Not many people go to that length. So thank you.

  43. I’ve seen that DE is supposed to be safe when mixed with a carrier agent, but could it’s abrasive nature cause irritation on skin? In the case of the sensitive skin deodorant, could it cause overdrying? Thanks!

  44. I don’t know if you will even want to share this, but I did want to share it with you… However, I realize it might not work for everyone and wouldn’t want to cause folks to be hopeful and then be even more disappointed. But my Dad’s PSA count jumped from 6 to 11… and I insisted he start taking DE at that point… and he did. 6 weeks later, his PSA count was back to 6.5 I have to add that he was on antiobiotics for the first 10 days as well as taking the DE… so we have NO conclusive way of knowing for sure whether it was the DE or the antibiotics or a combination of both that made this significant change… but we are thrilled. Share if you feel this is relevant. Love your site, by the way.

    • I see no reason why you shouldn’t. DE might make you more thirsty, so you might need to increase your fluid intake. Breastfeeding mothers need extra liquids anyway.

    • As a pest repellent to get rid of rodents? DE rids your house of insects, but it will NOT have any effect on mice. A mouse is a mammal ( like us). DE kills insects by cutting into their exoskeleton (outer shell) and drying them out. DE will not kill mice. If they consume DE, the only thing it will do, they will grow a nice healthy fur coat! Good for pets and humans….bad for insects! Sorry!

      • I put peppermint oil on cotton balls and placed them in our motorhome to keep mice away. No mice, whereas in years before we struggled with mice getting into our motorhome or camptrailer when stored during the cold months. We also have mint planted in some areas around our home.

        • NEVER, EVER turn a mouse loose- they carry diseases and reproduce like crazy – you will have a bigger problem than you can imagine when you spare their lives.
          Kill them humanly and dispose of the bodies quickly. ellen

  45. You mentioned that it is safe to breath food grade DE because the crystalline silica content is so low. Does this negate the nutritional benefits of the silica that is present? How is it enough to be beneficial? Is it a different time of silica than “crystalline”. Mahalo!

    • Breathing DE into your lungs would have the same effect on you as inhaling your baby powder (talc or cornstarch). Not a good idea, as it causes severe lung irritations.(coughing) I recommend using a dust mask if you are applying it to your pets (also cover their eyes and noses). Especially if you are asthmatic or have COPD. There are no chemicals in DE, but since the powder is very fine, it is best if you keep it away from your face. (eyes-nose-mouth)

        • that is the pool filter grade,food grade is safe if accidentally inhaled,im not saying go out and sniff some just on purpose to find out but as long as the crystaline levels are less than 2% which in the food grade they are 20 timess less than that it is safe,if your pets or yourself inhale.

        • Give up already with your cancer comment. DE does not cause cancer. Bad quality or crystalline maybe but they have done studies feeding, rubbing it on, etc, etc on mice in lab studies. Try reading something else. Your acting like a blog troll!

          • There is are different grades of DE….the dangereous kind is Pool Filter grade. Food grade DE may irritate your lungs but will not cause cancer.
            The difference here lies in the way that each type of DE is treated. Pool Grade DE is calcined, meaning that is treated with very high heat. This turns the silicon dioxide that is present in the DE into crystalline silica. Pool Grade diatomaceous earth, and most other calcined DE products, contain high concentrations of crystalline silica. In fact, some can range from 60 – 70% crystalline silica.

            Crystalline silica is very dangerous and can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. For this reason, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should NOT be used for any purpose other than filtration.

            Most Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) diatomaceous earth products, on the other hand, are not calcined and are composed largely of amorphous silica. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals.

          • Citing a study and stating a fact does not make one a troll. Being abusive and inane does. She isn’t talking about “rubbing,” etc.–she’s talking about particles being inhaled into the lungs. (NEVER a good idea no matter how much you can safely rub on yourself or a mouse.) Did you bother to read the study she cited so you could make an informed comment?

        • There is are different grades of DE….the dangereous kind is Pool Filter grade. Food grade DE may irritate your lungs but will not cause cancer.
          The difference here lies in the way that each type of DE is treated. Pool Grade DE is calcined, meaning that is treated with very high heat. This turns the silicon dioxide that is present in the DE into crystalline silica. Pool Grade diatomaceous earth, and most other calcined DE products, contain high concentrations of crystalline silica. In fact, some can range from 60 – 70% crystalline silica.

          Crystalline silica is very dangerous and can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. For this reason, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should NOT be used for any purpose other than filtration.

          Most Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) diatomaceous earth products, on the other hand, are not calcined and are composed largely of amorphous silica. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals.

        • I agree that you should not inhale Diatomacious earth because it is abrasive. As soon as you put it in a liquid to drink it you should not have any concerns about getting it into you lungs. Just keep it away from your nose. I have been taking diatomaceous earth for years as a colon cleanser. I take @ 2 to 3 heaping tablespoons mixed in warm water or other beverages I choose. I think the warm water helps to activate the magnetic effect. I love the magnetic effect that helps attract unwanted toxins or debris while cleaning your intestinal track. I spoke to a women who said her husband has been taking DE for many years. She said that he no longer need any medication for gout since using DE. I don’t think it is likely that DE has anything to do with cancer. A lot of research has been done to confirm that this is pretty safe to take internally. I am impressed with the results I get and I don’t know of any side effects so far.

          • I inHale food grade DE all the time when I spray with the duster spray. I admit it has a drying feel like I need to drink water but that’s it.

  46. I have looked on several websites for an answer to this question: is DE safe for toddlers? I have a 19 month old whom I suspect may have pinworms. I am seeing that DE works to help rid the body of internal parasites and would love to give it a try (for multiple reasons) for myself and my family. If it IS safe for toddlers, what dosage would you recommend (from starting dose up to the full amount). Thanks in advance!!

      • Hello Mandy , Diana and Jessica. I see you guys all made posts of questions about dosage for children last year in the fall on this page. I would like to share with you my knowledge and usage of DE since Nov 2014 until now , Jan 2016.
        My toddler at the time was 3, I suspected pinworms for a month and remembered about my mom sharing the info about DE as a natural way to kill pests and parasites years ago… After we took in a stray puppy with obvious worms (swollen belly, dry skin and hairless patches, difficulty breathing) I Googled DE and went to work reasearching.

        After a day of research I found TONS of info on dosage, and excitedly began a regimen for my daughter at 1 teaspoon per day, and for the dog as well. (we mixed it in our favorite lactose free milk- both of them lapped it up no problem!) and began de worming within 24 hours. Myself and my husband used it at 2 tablespoons per day and I found worms that day on myself -and I upped my dose to 2 tbsp TWICEa day. For 14 days only, then back to one time a day …. (We used the empty stomach rule on this and increased our water intake by 16 oz for my toddler and and 32oz minimum for myself .)

        I researched DE extensivly for a month and continued our parasite removal for 60 days, as to be sure as to eradicate them and the eggs in those life cycle PERMANENTLY. We had great success ! Eczema cleared up in her in 2 weeks, our hair finally grew, she lost that swollen hard belly and began to be a happy child again within a week, the list goes on:)
        We ended up finding 4 different types of large parasites in our stool (gross I know sorry!) and she never had any symptoms , I myself did but I tracked my symptoms back at least 10 years!!
        My doctors couldn’t tell what We had, even with multiple tests of samples I provided to them… There are 800 KNoWN parasites and only 50 can be identified in lab tests from what I found out researching.. At any rate, the DE is great for many uses as listed I this article- but my toddler and I have amazing health now thanks to me stumbling onto DE!!
        Good luck to all of you as well!

        Add DE to your pets food, MOsT especially if it’s kept outdoors. I believe it’s one cup per 10 lbs dry food…First off it soaks into the food in the bag, and you deworm your pets daily.. As well as pests die if they try to eat the food! It’s a win -win!!

        • Hi – great comment and insight! 🙂 My 4 yr old has pinworms so we got the prescribed medicine for her and my husband and I… However, we have a 5 month old who I fear may have them too… she can’t take the medicine… based on your research, would DE be okay for her – maybe 1/4 t. a day? Thinking of treating us all for 90 days with DE after reading about the egg life cycle… I have doubts I can effectively remove them from every surface! yuck! 🙁 thanks!

  47. Can I mix the DE with Apple Cider Vinegar and water and drink them both at the same time, as in together? Thanks Jonesy 🙂

    • A First Nation elder told me that a good feed of Thimble berries every year (On Vancouver Island they are one of the first berries ready early summer) was the remedy for any (pin) worms developed from the winter diet.

  48. Thank you so much for the very informative article on food grade DE. I have read that DE is ineffective if it gets wet. If this is true then does mixing it with a beverage or wet food make it not work?

  49. I don’t know if I can get any help for this but I live in Japan and when I tried to order diatomaceous earth food grade from Amazon, a 10 pound bag, it was rejected by immigration for containing a substance that is illegal in Japan. What on earth could earth have in it that would make it illegal!? And how can I get some DE here in Japan? Signed, A DE Addict

  50. Hi I had read somewhere that you could put DE on your feet to also serve as a way for detox for your body. Do you know anything about this and have suggestions for how to go about this? It would obviously need to be made into a paste or something since the powder wouldn’t stick to the skin. Thank you for your research here!

  51. The product recomended in this article lists 89% silica content, not the 1/10th of 1% you claim is so safe? Really confused! what am I missing?

    • I found the following at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatomaceous_earth

      Safety considerations – Inhalation of crystalline silica is harmful to the lungs, causing silicosis. Amorphous silica is considered to have low toxicity, but prolonged inhalation causes changes to the lungs.[22] Diatomaceous earth is mostly amorphous silica [89%], but contains some crystalline silica [1/10th of 1%].

  52. If only people would question the safety of fast food and all of the packaged garbage they consume… Food grade diatomaceous earth is an excellent product to use internally and externally. I use it and love it, in addition to the uses shared above, taken internally it brushes your intestines and colon of built up waste…

  53. I’ve been consuming DE for 3 weeks now and have noticed hundreds of new hair growth on my head, approximately1 inch growth. I normally put a heaping tablespoon in my blender and mix it with almond milk, some protein powder, flaxseed, and cinnamon. Once I’ve blended all of those ingredients together I pour it into my freshly cooked steel cut oatmeal. It tastes delicious and I can’t even taste the chalkiness of the DE. (The new hair growth can also be a result of the oatmeal since it’s also high in silica.)

  54. You might want to google “Mad as a Hatter” co-written by Dr Galen Knight and Kaayla Daniels. The Dirt Cheap Solution segment discusses de-toxifying the body with diatomaceous earth. Actually the entire article is worth a read.
    The article is on the Weston A Price Foundation site

  55. Heather,

    Thanks for sharing about all the things that diatomaceous earth can be used for. It is great for multiple types of pest prevention and is a great natural alternative to chemicals for keeping many insects and bugs away. Very interesting to hear that it can be used for different health and beauty situations too! If anyone decides to use it in or around your home for insect control, please keep an eye on your pets (dogs particularly) that they are not licking it up. I’ve known plenty of people who use it safely with pets, just keep any eye out for them. You can use it in one room at a time and keep that rooms door closed, so you keep your dog out until you’re ready to vacuum the diatomaceous earth.

    • I got my semi-feral kitten at 5 weeks and began putting DE in her wet food every day to help with possible parasites and fleas (she was COVERED in them. I could see her fur moving all the time! YUK!). No problems at all. I still give it to her when she wants wet food, but she eats mostly dry now. I sometimes put it on her dry food anyway. She still eats it. She is an indoor cat only.

  56. I was thinking of trying this since I heard it could help with menopause symptoms. (I’m only 45, but feeling the change.) But wondering if it would cause or contribute to vaginal dryness? I have read it can cause dry mouth, but is that just because it has direct contact?

  57. Hi there, I used DE to treat worms for the whole family (2 and 5 year old kids, plus me and my husband) about 4-6 months ago. It worked brilliantly! I now suspect my kids have worms again and so have started them immediately on DE. I am however, 11 weeks pregnant and know I need to take DE so the whole family is treated but cannot find any information about DE during pregnancy. Any advice greatly appreciated! Thanks 🙂

    • I also am looking for something to treat threadworm that is safe for all the family including my 2.5 year old and for me whilst breastfeeding and trying to conceive. I have seen people on forums say it us safe in pregnancy and nursing but can’t find any firm evidence.

  58. There are 2 aspects to DE. The food grade substance is perfectly OK to inhale, while the other used in pest control is not. I’d like to add that using DE to remove bedbugs have proven effective over the years. However, since this DE should not be inhaled, it’s important that homeowners take care in using DE to remove pests such as bedbugs. As if using it to treat bedbugs is not dangerous enough, removing it is worse. http://www.onlinepestcontrol.com/how-to-get-rid-of-diatomaceous-earth/ explains how DE can be removed after application for pest control.

  59. I started taking Diatomaceous Earth 6 days ago & noticed many positive changes in my health. The pain in my neck & back has disappeared drastically, my dry eyes cleared up immediately, toothache gone, blotches clearing up, nails look shiny once again & I am feeling happy & positive.
    I have recommended this for many family & friends as it really works. Thank you,

  60. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this article and your blog! I’m desperate to help my daughter heal from her anemia and related symptoms, one being constipation – not sure DE would be a good idea for her or not? She believes she also has Candida, and a flare up of Epstein-Barr. I’m terrified at what kind of toxic/harmful medicine & treatments the Dr’s will prescribe…how do you know if parasites are causing issues? Any other things on your site that would help, please let me know – thank you!

  61. Fabulous article! Well-written and researched and full of useful information. Doctors seem to believe humans are no longer susceptible to parasites despite our close interactions with our pets or our tendency to walk barefoot where even stray animals have walked. (I didn’t get that memo or email alert.) They also tend to dismiss the natural gifts that surround us. Thanks for the amazing tips!

  62. Me and my 5 month old have reoccurring candida (thrush) and I have tried everything but it won’t go away!! Is it safe to take while nursing? I am thinking about giving it to her mixed with some breast milk. I am worried about the toxins going from my body to hers and also her getting dehydrated!! But at the same time I would rather give her this than the toxic perscription from the doctor! Does anyone have any experience with this?

  63. I have two questions for you:
    1. Can you get the same detox and health affects diatomaceous earth gives by just taking more fiber instead?
    2. When taking diatomaceous earth, you say you do it daily for about a month, and then 1-2 tsp once or twice a week after that. When do you revert back to taking it for a month daily after that? I am trying to get ideas of how i want to take it 🙂

  64. I am taking biofilm distrupters on an empty stomach first thing as my practitioner thinks I have a parasite lurking behind it! As DE is best taken on an empty stomach,can I take both together? Does the DE stop supplements from working?

  65. I mostly used diatomaceous earth for ant control. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that it can be used to get rid of odors. I didn’t know it could be used to brush my teeth. Brilliant!

  66. Super informative, thank you for taking the time to research and post for all of us!!

    My question is in regards to Red Lake Earth DE. It is mixed with calcium bentonite, making it a red/brown colour. While reading their webpage’s FAQ, I found this, but am confused: “ed Lake Diatomaceous Earth products meet both food grade and feed grade specifications.

    What does this mean?

    Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth meets Food Chemical Codex Grade specifications and can be used as a filtering aid or processing aid in food, but cannot be in the end product for human consumption.

    Currently Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth is registered only as a feed additive for the purpose of an anti-caking agent or pelleting aid in feed, not to exceed 2% an animal’s total diet.”

    With all that I read so far tonight, it had been repeatedly stated that DE and bentonite are safe to ingest. Why then does this company say NOT to on the site?

    Could you clarify for me please?

  67. Hello

    I am using DE, I use a heaped Desert Spoon first thing, every morning in warm water.

    Does anyone have a Positive Experience on DE as a cure for Vitiligo?. This is a skin compliant
    for those who don’t know. Commonly “White Patches” on the skin.. 1% of the Global Population get it. It affects all races. Vitiligo is the thing Micheal Jackson had….

    Thank you Robb

  68. I would like to make home made doggy biscuits for my dogs and I’ve found lots of recipes online but I would like to use food grade diatomaceous earth instead of flour but don’t see any recipes like that. Do you know what ratio I should use to substitute diatomaceous earth for flour I should use?

  69. Is Diatomaceous with calcium bentonite (food chemical codex grade) the same as the Earth food grade used in the the video to treat fleas?

    Thank you.

  70. Hi I’m going to start taking DE . I purchased the same brand you did . My children and I’m sure my husband and I have been infected with pinworms and I read many things that it helped and I was looking at other benefits of it and said might as well start taking all the time I was just wondering do you have a recommendation for dosing for 3 and seven-year-old what amounts do they need to take? Thank you for you help . I love your blog .

  71. I bought DE a few years ago and found it to be too powdery to use for my chickens, primarily. I thought if ever I or the chickens were to breathe it in, would not be a good thing. i have desisted in using it ever since.

  72. Hello, I am 25+5 weeks pregnant and have found out i have threadworms(pinworms) my partner an son are not showing signs but will be getting them treatment anyway and also following strict hygiene i was wondering if it would be safe for me to take DE to treat this as i have been so emotionally exhausted and uncomfortable due to these worms and i read DE can get rid of pinworms? any advice would be much appreciated

  73. I got DE originally for ticks my dogs picked out from outside, for which it is working out great. I put it around inside my house, in the furniture, like between the cushions. I bought a 20# bag, so I had to find other uses. I have made air freshener (DE and EOs). I use it in my fridge and freezer in place of baking soda, works so much better, but I have to change it more often because of the dampness of the fridge. I used it on my 4 year old for pinworms, I also gave him pro-biotics because I was told it will kill both good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. I put it in homemade pudding for him. He didn’t notice it at all. I use it as a face mask twice a week. I have very oily hair, so I put it on my hair, using a recycled parmesan cheese shaker, let sit for 2-5 minutes, then wash as normal. It takes longer for my hair to get oily too, instead of the next day, it now takes 2-3 days. I did a treatment of the whole house as a preventative for bed bugs. All these uses and I still have 15# left in the bag. Luckily, if kept dry it will has an indefinite shelf life.

  74. Hi ? I have not read through every single comment to see if this question has been answered/addresses – Is this Food Grade DR safe to take internally while pregnant?? Any known benefits to take this due in pregnancy? Are there any article that anyone could point me to regarding that? Thanks ☺

  75. I use DE daily for detoxifying, and I take breaks. Recently though I have been learning about gut bacteria and it’s made me concerned. Do you have any sources or insight as to whether DE attacks bad bacteria while sparing the good bacteria? Thank you!

  76. I am hypothyroid and take dissected thyroid. Do you know if diatomaceous earth affects this med? If so, how many hours should I wait after the thyroid med.? Or maybe just take it at night , bedtime.?

  77. Heather, your work is wonderful! Could you please address an issue that keeps coming up please? I am told that gardeners know that when DE is wet it no longer works and needs to be reapplied. How then can it be working so well internally for us all? Would love some definitive answers to this if at all possible! Mega thanks!

    • Hi Elin! That’s a great question. Unfortunately, all I can say is that studies (such as the one with chickens which showed a reduction in parasites) do indicate it has an impact when taken internally, but I cannot speculate as to the exact mechanism.

  78. I’m wondering if this is safe to give to babies? I have a six month old who was born with a black age in his intestine. I feel like I have tried so many things and everything I’ve read about DE makes me feel like it’s exactly what he needs! But I’m not sure if he’s too little.

  79. Hmm, I have the food grade DE but it is so finely milled that it has literally no exfoliating properties. I purchased a DE exfoliant from Annmarie wild-crafted skincare (Kaolin Micro Exfoliant) and that one has an obvious grit to it that exfoliates exceedingly well. The ingredients list for that product shows Diatomaceous Earth (silica crystals) as the exfoliating ingredient. I would like to try and make my own exfoliant using DE but am now wondering if I would need to use the NON-food grade version to have that grit I’m looking for. Is the food grade version always so finely milled into soft powder? I want to make my scrub as gritty as the one from Annmarie Skincare. ^_^ thanks!

  80. You mentioned using DE on your teeth once in awhile. However, I was wondering if I could substitute a little bit of the clay in our homemade toothpaste for DE? Or would that be too abrasive for everyday use?

  81. My sister told me about this. She said to sprinkle it on my cats food to prevent parasites.
    I read online that it can reverse osteoporosis and osteopenia.

    I bought a 20lb bag from tractor supply today for $15
    I was in shock. It was the least expensive I could fine anywhere for 20lbs!!!!
    I am so happy. I am going to start taking some today in a smoothie

  82. For someone who has never detoxed before besides fasting. How are some ways to help the liver while doing this detox? I heard that it is hard on the liver as you are getting rid of so much. Also I know there are many things that only bring up the bad stuff into the blood system. This both brings the stuff up AND gets rid of it, correct? Thank you!

    • If you’re planning an intense detox I recommend working with a practitioner. I personally don’t have experience with those methods and instead focus on gentle daily detox strategies.

  83. Hello Heather,

    Thanks so much for this post. Do you know if this is safe to take while breastfeeding? Did the Dr. who reviewed the article mention anything about that? Thanks for all of the knowledge you give us!

  84. Pretty good article on DE. I have been recommending its use for about 30 years.

    Couple of issues with your article though.

    First it is not near as hard on the Moh’s scale as you claim. It is often touted as being a hardness of 7 or more by sales sites, in reality the hardness only averages 1-1.5 and can go as high as 5.

    Secondly, more is not better. Silica is POORLY absorbed by the body and therefore only traces of the silica get absorbed at any one time. Taking a teaspoon or tablespoon is a major waste since less than 1% of that silica is going to get absorbed. The best way to take DE is to add it to a gallon of water then let it settle out. Drink the water above the sediment and as the water level goes down add more water and let it settle out again. Keep repeating. A spoon full of silica will literally last years, but I generally dump it out after 6 months or so and start over. Silica cannot be absorbed as silicon dioxide. In water the silica in the DE forms traces of orthosilicic acid, which is what the body absorbs and utilizes.

    I discuss this here:


    Acidity further aids in the absorption. Our stomach acid levels decline with age though decreasing silica absorption, which is why we see things like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, emphysema, a lot of heart disease, varicose or weak veins, diverticulitis, wrinkles, etc. as orthosilicic acid levels decline with age and thus we obtain less orthosilicic acid needed for collagen, elastin and cartilage formation.

    For the same reason ingesting baking soda or other stomach acid neutralizers, acid blockers (proton pump inhibitors), high alkaline waters, calcium carbonate (coral, dolomite, oyster shell), or magnesium oxide or hydroxide all reduce orthosilicic acid formation and absorption contributing to the above list of issues.

  85. The other common nutrient needed for the formation of collagen and elastin that can be deficient is vitamin C. Preferably natural with bioflavonoids. Virtually all vitamin C supplements on the market are made from pure, unstable ascorbic acid including the ascorbates. Natural vitamin C tends to be more stable and contains the synergistic bioflavonoids.

  86. Hello

    Thank you for usefull article regarding Diatomaceous earth, we also found it very important for human health. Please keep us updated with more usefull informations.

    Best Regards

  87. Can your DE be used for a pool filter? Will it work as well since it is a finer powder and does not have as large a percentage of crystalized silicon?

  88. I added DE to my wheat berries recently for storage. When I grind the berries there is some residual DE powder mixed in with the berries. Since I added the DE, my bread has not been rising well.
    Does DE affect yeasts ability to make bread rise and if so what do you to counteract this?

  89. 5 stars
    Your article about Diatomaceous Earth was excellent and very informative! I am storing over 400 lbs of Hard Red Winter Wheat Berries in 5 gallon buckets with airtight lids for long term storage.

    What is the ratio of the amount of Diatomaceous Earth to one pound of wheat?

    According to the article it says it doesn’t change the quality of the wheat or obviously you can’t taste it when ground into flour and made into bread? I have my concerns.

    Please clarify.

    Thank you,
    June McBride

  90. I am wondering if DE would actually eliminate good bacteria from the gut microbiome? I read that food-grade DE:
    “Contains fine silica that carries a negative ion charge. Parasites and disease
    organisms carry a positive ion charge. The introduction of negatively charged ions in a diseased or parasitic animal is irritating and disruptive to the life cycle of the parasite or disease organism. ” Another article said that the negative ion charge would pull the bad bacteria which have positive ion charge and it takes it up and then is evacuated.”
    I am wondering if DE will not only harm the bad bacteria in your gut, but the good gut flora as well? Has anyone found any research online that answers that question? I make and drink milk kefir, and kombucha and have cultured vegetables and kimchee daily in an effort to provide my gut microbiome with lots of probiotic-rich foods. Will DE kill both the good and bad bacteria in our guts? Any information would be greatly appreciated. What a wonderful article. Thank you for introducing me to all the uses of DE Heather!

  91. I would like to know if the diatomaceous earth, food grade will kill off candida fungal overgrowth in my body. Seems I’m itching less since taking it.

  92. Hello Heather Dessinger. I so love your emails. I am so glad I found your page. You have been a world of knowledge. Thank you for sharing all you have learned. I was wondering what you know about permaguard fossil flour?You have introduced me to many new things. I would love to know more of what you are able to share. Thanks again

  93. I have psoriasis and I was told by a friend that DE was good to help skin condiditons. I started taking it and could see the results immediately.

  94. Hi. I just found this web site. I’m fairly new to DE. Been using for roach control but it’s getting started to work. I was hoping you could help me. I was wanting to know about making a microwaveable Clay Pack. I have several degenerated disk in my lower back. I used to have a Clay heating pad that I warmed in my M/W. It was lost in a house fire & I haven’t been able to replace it. I was thinking if I knew what to mix with the DE Powder, that would keep it pliable, I could seal in my Vacuum Sealer.
    Do you have a recipe for that?

  95. Wondering if you can use on cats and dog? My dogs seem to always scratching themselves. Chewing on their feet?? No fleas! Inside dogs and I give them flea, tick, and mosquitoe meds. Just not sure why they always scratching and chewing!
    Love all your info on DE!!
    Will try your suggestion, and probably use all the time!!
    Thank you for sharing!!!!

  96. Throw handfuls over cattle. They love it. Keeps the flies off their eyes and ears face and backs. It is miserable to see the flies bothering their eyes. Easily gets rid of the problem. The first time you do this they get scared as they see you throw the powder on them, they quickly realize how much better they feel and come to you when they see the powder in your hands

  97. Hi! So great to find your site! When I clicked on the ‘brand ‘ you said you recommend, it opened to a page on amazon with several brands. Could you or someone here specify which brand it is? Thanks!

  98. Hi Heather, I received a packet of Diatomaceous Earth with Neem. On the packet it
    says: Multipurpose powder for home and pet use, Indoors and Outdoors.
    I wonder if I can still use it for my skin or other cosmetic purposes.
    Or do I have to discard it as I do not have pets nor can I use it for outdoors.

  99. I have used DE for over 25 years. I buy it at the feed store for $20-30 a 40 lb bag. I give a lot away so I keep it on hand. I found that it is amazing for arthritis. I am 75 years young and have no aches or pains.
    I discovered DE from a scientist at our University. He and 3 others were working on a cure for cancer. DE is what they came up with. The University quickly fired them all and kept them in an on going court case.
